Lets say we have a large project which is split across multuple repos. We have something like
shared-functionality-repo GUI-repo REST-server-repo supporting-framework-we-plan-to-release-seperate-repo Communication-library-for-3-parties-repo etc...
During a spring one of these repos, maybe the third party comms, is not touched and code doesn't change, but all the other repos get changed. At the end of the sprint we want to wrap up and tag everything for release, and update version numbers.
What is considered the best practice for my untouched repo? On the one hand it feels odd giving it a new version number, since nothing has really changed. On the other hand we need/want to point the repo to the newer version of repos it's dependent on, which updates the pom. Not updating the version number seems likely to lead to some odd inconsistent state at that point. Currently we don't update anything, but that ends with untouched library ultimately using some old version of code because it's still pointing to our shared functionality repo that's 4 sprints old...
What is the recommended approach for versifying int his case?