I understand you simplified things in order to focus on your issue at hands.
You did well, imo, but left some blanks (in the Value class) I had to fill in, while trying to make as few / little assumptions as possible.
Following just plain, good old OOP principles, here's what you may find useful:
public abstract class ComponentBase
// stuff we don't care about
protected Value m_Value;
public Value ValueObj { get; protected set; }
public class Value
private object[] m_Value;
protected Value()
// totally arbitrary, for sake of demo:
m_Value = new object[10];
public virtual object this[int index]
get { return m_Value[index]; }
set { m_Value[index] = value; }
public class MyComponent : ComponentBase
// (virtual for extensiblity)
protected virtual Value NewValue()
return new MyValue();
public MyComponent()
ValueObj = NewValue();
public class MyValue : Value
// (virtual for semantic refinement)
protected virtual object GetData(int index)
var data = base[index];
// or whatever else needs to happen here:
Console.WriteLine("{0}: just got {1} at {2}", GetType().Name, data ?? "(null)", index);
return data;
// (virtual for semantic refinement)
protected virtual void SetData(int index, object data)
base[index] = data;
// or whatever else needs to happen here:
Console.WriteLine("{0}: just put {1} at {2}", GetType().Name, data ?? "(null)", index);
public override object this[int index]
get { return GetData(index); } set { SetData(index, value); }
class Program
public static void Main(string[] args)
var component = new MyComponent();
Console.WriteLine("Component prep...");
component.ValueObj[0] = "Frederic";
component.ValueObj[1] = "Bastiat";
component.ValueObj[2] = 1801;
component.ValueObj[3] = 1850;
component.ValueObj[4] = "The Law";
Console.WriteLine("Component use...");
var book = component.ValueObj[4];
var first = component.ValueObj[0];
var last = component.ValueObj[1];
var born = component.ValueObj[2];
var rip = component.ValueObj[3];
Console.WriteLine(@"""{0}"", by {1} {2} ({3} - {4})", book, first, last, born, rip);
public virtual object this[int Index]
indexer's set method.