I have always known that goto is something bad, locked in a basement somewhere never to be seen for good but I ran into a code example today that makes perfect sense to use goto.

I have an IP where I need to check if is within a list of IPs and then proceed with the code, otherwise throw an exception.


$ip = '';
$ips = [

foreach ($ips as $i) {
    if ($ip === $i) {
        goto allowed;

throw new Exception('Not allowed');



If I don't use goto then I have to use some variable like

$allowed = false;

foreach ($ips as $i) {
    if ($ip === $i) {
        $allowed = true;

if (!$allowed) {
    throw new Exception('Not allowed');

My question is what's so bad with goto when it's used for such obvious and imo relevant cases?

  • Comments are not for extended discussion; this conversation has been moved to chat.
    – maple_shaft
    Commented Aug 31, 2016 at 14:03

10 Answers 10


GOTO itself is not an immediate problem, it's the implicit state machines that people tend to implement with it. In your case, you want code that checks whether the IP address is in the list of allowed addresses, hence

if (!contains($ips, $ip)) throw new Exception('Not allowed');

so your code wants to check a condition. The algorithm to implement this check should be of no concern here, in the mental space of your main program the check is atomic. That's how it should be.

But if you put the code that does the check into your main program, you lose that. You introduce mutable state, either explicitly:

$list_contains_ip = undef;        # STATE: we don't know yet

foreach ($ips as $i) {
  if ($ip === $i) {
      $list_contains_ip = true;   # STATE: positive
                                  # STATE: we still don't know yet, huh?                                                          
                                  # Well, then...
  $list_contains_ip = false;      # STATE: negative

if (!$list_contains_ip) {
  throw new Exception('Not allowed');

where $list_contains_ip is your only state variable, or implicitly:

                             # STATE: unknown
foreach ($ips as $i) {       # What are we checking here anyway?
  if ($ip === $i) {
    goto allowed;            # STATE: positive
                             # STATE: unknown
                             # guess this means STATE: negative
throw new Exception('Not allowed');

allowed:                     # Guess we jumped over the trap door

As you see, there's an undeclared state variable in the GOTO construct. That's not a problem per se, but these state variables are like pebbles: carrying one is not hard, carrying a bag full of them will make you sweat. Your code will not stay the same: next month you'll be asked to differentiate between private and public addresses. The month after that, your code will need to support IP ranges. Next year, someone will ask you to support IPv6 addresses. In no time, your code will look like this:

if ($ip =~ /:/) goto IP_V6;
if ($ip =~ /\//) goto IP_RANGE;
if ($ip =~ /^10\./) goto IP_IS_PRIVATE;

foreach ($ips as $i) { ... }

   foreach ($ip_priv as $i) { ... }

   foreach ($ipv6 as $i) { ... }

   # i don't even want to know how you'd implement that

   # Wait, is this code even correct?
   # There seems to be a bug in here.

And whoever has to debug that code will curse you and your children.

Dijkstra puts it like this:

The unbridled use of the go to statement has as an immediate consequence that it becomes terribly hard to find a meaningful set of coordinates in which to describe the process progress.

And that's why GOTO is considered harmful.

  • 22
    That $list_contains_ip = false; statement seems misplaced
    – Bergi
    Commented Aug 25, 2016 at 18:15
  • 15
    @Bergi: You're right. That shows how easy it is to mess these things up.
    – wallenborn
    Commented Aug 26, 2016 at 7:26
  • 7
    @whatsisname That bag is called a function/class/package to hold them. using gotos is like juggling them and throwing the bag away.
    – Falco
    Commented Aug 26, 2016 at 9:05
  • 5
    I love the quote from Dijkstra, I hadn't heard it put that way but it's a really good point. Instead of having a flow that's pretty much top to bottom, suddenly you have something that can jump all over the page at random. Putting it that succinctly is pretty impressive.
    – Bill K
    Commented Aug 26, 2016 at 17:16
  • 1
    @AndrewPiliser "Error cleanup" probably means the things one would put in the "finally" clause in a try-catch-finally language. The error requires throwing an exception, but there are actions, such as file close, that must be done regardless. Commented Aug 27, 2016 at 14:41

There are some legitimate use cases for GOTO. For example for error handling and cleanup in C or for implementing some forms of state machines. But this is not one of these cases. The second example is more readable IMHO, but even more readable would be to extract the loop to a separate function and then return when you find a match. Even better would be (in pseudocode, I don't know exact syntax):

if (!in_array($ip, $ips)) throw new Exception('Not allowed');

So what is so bad about GOTO's? Structured programming uses functions and control structures to organize the code so the syntactic structure reflects the logical structure. If something is only conditionally executed, it will appear in a conditional statement block. If something is executed in a loop, it will appear in a loop block. GOTO enables you to circumvent the syntactic structure by jumping around arbitrarily, thereby making the code much harder to follow.

Of course if you have no other choice you use GOTO, but if the same effect can be achieved with functions and control structures, it is preferable.

  • 5
    @jameslarge it's easier to write good optimizing compilers for "structured" languages. Care to elaborate? As a counter example, the Rust folks introduced MIR, an intermediate representation in the compiler which specifically replaces loops, continues, breaks, and such with gotos, because it's simpler to check and optimize.
    – 8bittree
    Commented Aug 25, 2016 at 17:26
  • 6
    "if you have no other choice you use GOTO" This would be exceedingly rare. I honestly cannot think of a case where you have no other choice, outside of completely ludicrous restrictions preventing refactoring existing code or similar nonsense.
    – jpmc26
    Commented Aug 25, 2016 at 17:51
  • 9
    Also, IMO, emulating a goto with a rats nest of flags and conditionals (as in the OP's second example) is much less readable than juts using a goto.
    – user122173
    Commented Aug 25, 2016 at 18:23
  • 4
    @8bittree: Structured programming is intended for the source language, not the compiler's target language. The target language for native compilers is CPU instructions, which is decidedly not "structured," in the programming language sense. Commented Aug 25, 2016 at 19:41
  • 6
    @8bittree The answer to your question about MIR is in the link you provided: "But it’s fine to have such a construct in MIR, because we know that it will only be used in particular ways, such as to express a loop or a break." In other words, because goto is not allowed in Rust, they know it is structured and intermediate version with gotos is too. Ultimately, the code has to get down to goto like machine commands. What I get from your link is that they are simply adding an incremental step in the conversion from high-level to low-level language.
    – JimmyJames
    Commented Aug 25, 2016 at 20:21

As others have said, the problem isn't with the goto itself; the problem is with how people use goto, and how it can make code harder to understand and maintain.

Assume the following snippet of code:

       i = 4;
label: printf( "%d\n", i );

What value gets printed for i? When does it get printed? Until you account for every instance of goto label in your function, you can't know. The simple presence of that label destroys your ability to debug code by simple inspection. For small functions with one or two branches, not much of a problem. For not-small functions...

Way back in the early '90s we were given a pile of C code that drove a 3d graphical display and told to make it run faster. It was only about 5000 lines of code, but all of it was in main, and the author used about 15 or so gotos branching in both directions. This was bad code to begin with, but the presence of those gotos made it so much worse. It took my co-worker about 2 weeks to puzzle out the flow of control. Even better, those gotos resulted in code so tightly coupled with itself that we could not make any changes without breaking something.

We tried compiling with level 1 optimization, and the compiler ate up all available RAM, then all available swap, and then panicked the system (which probably had nothing to do with the gotos themselves, but I like throwing that anecdote out there).

In the end, we gave the customer two options - let us rewrite the whole thing from scratch, or buy faster hardware.

They bought faster hardware.

Bode's rules for using goto:

  1. Branch forward only;
  2. Do not bypass control structures (i.e., do not branch into the body of an if or for or while statement);
  3. Do not use goto in place of a control structure

There are cases where a goto is the right answer, but they are rare (breaking out of a deeply nested loop is about the only place I'd use it).


Expanding on that last statement, here's one of the few valid use cases for goto. Assume we have the following function:

T ***myalloc( size_t N, size_t M, size_t P )
  size_t i, j, k;

  T ***arr = malloc( sizeof *arr * N );
  for ( i = 0; i < N; i ++ )
    arr[i] = malloc( sizeof *arr[i] * M );
    for ( j = 0; j < M; j++ )
      arr[i][j] = malloc( sizeof *arr[i][j] * P );
      for ( k = 0; k < P; k++ )
        arr[i][j][k] = initial_value();
  return arr;

Now, we have a problem - what if one of the malloc calls fails midway through? Unlikely an event as that may be, we don't want to return a partially allocated array, nor do we want to just bail out of the function with an error; we want to clean up after ourselves and deallocate any partially allocated memory. In a language that throws an exception on a bad alloc, that's fairly straightforward - you just write an exception handler to free up what's already been allocated.

In C, you don't have structured exception handling; you have to check the return value of each malloc call and take the appropriate action.

T ***myalloc( size_t N, size_t M, size_t P )
  size_t i, j, k;

  T ***arr = malloc( sizeof *arr * N );
  if ( arr )
    for ( i = 0; i < N; i ++ )
      if ( !(arr[i] = malloc( sizeof *arr[i] * M )) )
        goto cleanup_1;

      for ( j = 0; j < M; j++ )
        if ( !(arr[i][j] = malloc( sizeof *arr[i][j] * P )) )
          goto cleanup_2;

        for ( k = 0; k < P; k++ )
          arr[i][j][k] = initial_value();
  goto done;

    // We failed while allocating arr[i][j]; clean up the previously allocated arr[i][j]
    while ( j-- )
      free( arr[i][j] );
    free( arr[i] );
    // fall through

    // We failed while allocating arr[i]; free up all previously allocated arr[i][j]
    while ( i-- )
      for ( j = 0; j < M; j++ )
        free( arr[i][j] );
      free( arr[i] );

    free( arr );
    arr = NULL;

    return arr;

Can we do this without using goto? Of course we can - it just requires a little extra bookkeeping (and, in practice, that's the path I'd take). But, if you're looking for places where using a goto isn't immediately a sign of bad practice or design, this is one of the few.

  • I like these rules. I still wouldn't use goto even in accordance with these rules—I wouldn't use it at all unless it's the only form of branching available in the language—but I can see that it wouldn't be too much of a nightmare to debug goto's if they were written according to these rules.
    – Wildcard
    Commented Aug 26, 2016 at 2:49
  • if you need to break out of a deeply nested loop, you simply need to make that loop another function and return Commented Aug 26, 2016 at 12:14
  • 7
    As someone once summarized it for me: "It's not a go-to problem, it's a come-from problem". As a software optimization specialist I concur that unstructured control flow can throw compilers (and humans!) for a loop. I once spent hours deciphering a simple state machine (four of five states) in a BLAS function, which used various forms of GOTO, including Fortran's (in)famous assigned and arithmetic gotos, if I recall correctly.
    – njuffa
    Commented Aug 26, 2016 at 14:28
  • @njuffa "As a software optimization specialist I concur that unstructured control flow can throw compilers (and humans!) for a loop." - any more details? I thought virtually every optimizing compiler nowadays uses SSA as IR which means it's using goto-like code underneath. Commented Aug 28, 2016 at 6:28
  • @MaciejPiechotka I am not a compiler engineer. Yes, modern compilers all seem to use SSA in their intermediate representation. Compilers prefer single-entry-single-exit control constructs, not sure how the use of SSA plays into that? By observation of generated machine code and compiler resource usage, and discussions with compiler engineers unstructured control flow interferes with optimizing code transformations, presumably due to the "come-from" issue. Resource usage (time, memory) can have negative impact on code performance if the compiler decides to skip an optimization as too expensive.
    – njuffa
    Commented Aug 28, 2016 at 7:03

return, break, continue and throw/catch are all essentially gotos--they all transfer control to another piece of code and could all be implemented with gotos--in fact I did so once in a school project, a PASCAL instructor was saying how much better Pascal was than basic because of the structure...so I had to be contrary...

The most important thing about Software Engineering (I'm going to use this term over Coding to refer to a situation where you are being paid by someone to create a codebase together with other engineers that requires ongoing improvement and maintenance) is making code Readable--getting it to do something is almost secondary. Your code will be written only once but, in most cases, people will spend days and weeks revisiting/relearning, improving and fixing it--and every time they (or you) will have to start from scratch and try to remember/figure out your code.

Most of the features that have been added to languages over the years are to make software more maintainable, not easier to write (although some languages go in that direction--they often cause long-term problems...).

Compared to similar flow control statements, GOTOs can be nearly as easy to follow at their best (A single goto used in a case like you suggest), and a nightmare when abused--and are very easily abused...

So after dealing with spaghetti nightmares for a few years we just said "No", as a community we are not going to accept this--too many people mess it up if given a little leeway--that's really the only problem with them. You could use them... but even if it's the perfect case, the next guy will assume you are a terrible programmer because you don't understand the history of the community.

Many other structures have been developed just to make your code more comprehendible: Functions, Objects, Scoping, Encapsulation, Comments(!)... as well as the more important patterns/processes like "DRY" (preventing duplication) and "YAGNI" (Reducing over-generalization/complication of code)--all really only import for the NEXT guy to read your code (Who will probably be you--after you've forgotten most of what you did in the first place!)

  • 3
    I'm upvoting this just for the sentence, "The most important thing...is making code Readable; getting it to do something is almost secondary." I would say it just slightly differently; it's not so much making code readable as making code simple. But either way, it is oh-so-true that making it do something is secondary.
    – Wildcard
    Commented Aug 26, 2016 at 2:43
  • 1
    "return, break, continue and throw/catch are all essentially gotos" Disagree, the former respect the tenets of structured programming (although you could argue about exceptions), go-to definitely does not. In light of this question, not much is gained by this remark.
    – Eric
    Commented Aug 28, 2016 at 20:25
  • @eric You could model any of the statements with GOTOs. You could ensure that the GOTOs all agree with structured programming tenets-- they simply have a different syntax and must, in order to exactly duplicate the functionality, include other operations like "if". The advantage of the structured versions is that they are restricted to only supporting certain targets--you KNOW when you see a continue approximately where the target will be located. The reason I mentioned it was to point out that it's the abusability that is the problem, not that it can't be used correctly.
    – Bill K
    Commented Aug 29, 2016 at 22:23
  • Return etc. are not essentially gotos. They all adhere to the block and scope structure of the program which gotos's do not - which is exactly why gotos are discouraged. You cannot replace a return with a goto because a goto will not restore the calling scope.
    – JacquesB
    Commented Sep 19, 2021 at 20:28
  • 1
    return, break, continue and throw/catch are all subsets of goto. The restriction is the improvement
    – Caleth
    Commented Sep 20, 2021 at 8:45

GOTO is a tool. It can be used for good or for evil.

In the bad old days, with FORTRAN and BASIC, it was almost the only tool.

When looking at code from those days, when you see a GOTO you have to figure out why it is there. It can be part of a standard idiom that you can understand quickly... or it can be part of some nightmarish control structure that should never have been. You don't know until you have looked, and it is easy to be mistaken.

People wanted something better, and more advanced control structures was invented. These covered most of the use cases, and people who were burned by bad GOTOs wanted to completely ban them.

Ironically, GOTO isn't so bad when it is rare. When you see one, you know there is something special going on, and it is easy to find the corresponding label since it is the only label nearby.

Fast forward to today. You are a lecturer teaching programming. You could say "In most cases you should use the advanced new constructs, but in some cases a simple GOTO can be more readable." Students are not going to understand that. They are going to abuse GOTO to make unreadable code.

Instead you say "GOTO bad. GOTO evil. GOTO fail exam." Students will understand that!

  • 4
    This is in fact true for all deprecated things. Globals. One-letter variable names. Self modifying code. Eval. Even, I suspect, unfiltered user input. Once we have conditioned ourselves to avoid such things like the plague, then we are in a suitable position to evaluate whether a certain use of them, well signposted, might be the correct solution to a specific problem. Before then, we're best off treating them as simply banned. Commented Aug 26, 2016 at 19:47

With the exception of goto, all flow constructs in PHP (and most languages) are scoped hierarchically.

Imagine some code examined through squinted eyes:

foo {

Regardless of what control construct foo is (if, while, etc.), there are only certain allowed orders for a, b, and c.

You could have a-b-c, or a-c, or even a-b-b-b-c. But you could never have b-c or a-b-a-c.

...unless you have goto.

$a = 1;
echo 'a';
if ($a === 1) {
    echo 'b';
    $a = 2;
    goto first;
echo 'c'; 

goto (in particular backwards goto) can be troublesome enough that it's best to just leave it alone, and used hierarchical, blocked flow constructs.

gotos have a place, but mostly as micro-optimizations in low-level languages. IMO, there's no good place for it in PHP.

FYI, the example code can be written even better than either of your suggestions.

if(!in_array($ip, $ips, true)) {
    throw new Exception('Not allowed');
  • Sometimes I've deliberately coded like in your goto example, specifically for readability and maintainability. There are legitimate cases. Also, I've always found exceptions to be a headache to work with, and for them to have very poor maintainability.
    – Andrew
    Commented Sep 20, 2021 at 21:16

In low level languages GOTO is inevitable. But in high level it should be avoided (in the case the language supports it) because it makes programs more difficult to read.

Everything boils down to making the code more difficult to read. High level languages are supossedt o make code easier to read than low level languages like, say, assembler or C.

GOTO doesn't cause global warming nor it causes poverty in the third world. It just makes code more difficult to read.

Most modern languages have control structures that make GOTO unnecessary. Some like Java don't even have it.

In fact, the term spaguetti code comes from convoluted, difficult to follow code causes by unstructured branching structures.

  • 7
    goto can make code eaiser to read. When you created extra variables and nested branches versus a single jump the code is much more difficult to read and understand. Commented Aug 25, 2016 at 19:41
  • 2
    @MatthewWhited In fact, the term spaguetti code comes from convoluted, difficult to follow code caused by unstructured branching structures. Or is spaguetti code easier to red now? Maybe. Vinyl is returning, why wouldn't GOTO. Commented Aug 25, 2016 at 20:21
  • 4
    @Tulains I have to believe such bad things exist because people keep complaining about then, but most of the times I see goto come up are not examples of convoluted spaghetti code, but instead fairly straightforward things, often emulating patterns of control flow in languages that don't have the syntax for it: the two most common examples are to break out of multiple loops and the example in the OP where goto is used to implement for-else.
    – user122173
    Commented Aug 25, 2016 at 20:56
  • 2
    Unstructured spaghetti code comes from languages where functions/methods don't exist. goto is also great for things such as exception retry, rollback, state machines. Commented Aug 25, 2016 at 21:20
  • 1
    I don't. I am one of the people saying goto can create cleaner code. Commented Aug 27, 2016 at 3:11

Nothing wrong with goto statements themselves. The wrongs are with some of the people that inappropriately use the statement.

In addition to what JacquesB said (error handling in C), you are using goto to exit a non-nested loop, something that you can do by using break. In this case you better use break.

But if you had a nested loop scenario, then using goto would be more elegant/simpler.

Bonous point: if your list of IPs is small, your method is fine. But if the list grows, know that your approach has an asymptotic worst run-time complexity of O(n). As your list grows, you may wish to use a different method that achieves O(log n) (such as a tree structure) or O(1) (a hash table with no collisions).

  • 6
    I'm not sure about PHP, but many languages will support using break and continue with a number (to break/continue that many layers of loops) or a label (to break/continue the loop with that label), either of which should generally be preferable to using goto for nested loops.
    – 8bittree
    Commented Aug 25, 2016 at 18:01
  • @8bittree good point. I didn't know that PHP's break is that fancy. I only know C's break isn't that fancy. Perl's break (they call it last) also used to be similar to C's (i.e. not fancy as PHP's) but it -too- became fancy after some point. I guess my answer is getting less and less useful as more languages are introducing fancy versions of break :)
    – caveman
    Commented Aug 25, 2016 at 18:22
  • 4
    a break with a depth value wouldn't resolve the issue without the extra variable. A variable in its self that creates an extra level of complexity. Commented Aug 25, 2016 at 19:43
  • 1
    @NPSF3000 Could you please offer an example of a nested loop that you can exit without using a goto statement, while also using a language that does not have a fancy version of break that specifies depth?
    – caveman
    Commented Aug 27, 2016 at 20:58
  • 1
    @NPSF3000 - Sorry for the 5 many years late reply. I just deleted the code, because I don't have time to read it, and because I don't use PHP anyway. I forgot what was I thinking when I wrote it.
    – caveman
    Commented Sep 19, 2021 at 18:54

With goto I can write faster code!

True. Don't care.

Goto exists in assembly! They just call it jmp.

True. Don't care.

Goto solves problems more simply.

True. Don't care.

In the hands of a disciplined developer code that uses goto can be easier to read.

True. However, I've been that disciplined coder. I've seen what happens to code over time. Goto starts out fine. Then the urge to reuse code sets in. Fairly soon I find myself at a breakpoint having no damn clue what's going on even after looking at program state. Goto makes it hard to reason about code. We've worked really hard creating while, do while, for, for each switch, subroutines, functions, and more all because doing this stuff with if and goto is hard on the brain.

So no. We don't want to look at goto. Sure it's alive and well in the binary but we don't need to see that in source. In fact, if is starting to look a little shaky.

  • 1
    "Goto solves problems more simply." / "True. Don't care." - I'd hate to see your code where you deliberately avoid simple solutions in favour of what is most extensible. (Heard of YAGNI?)
    – user20574
    Commented Aug 26, 2016 at 0:16
  • 1
    @Wildcard if and goto are very simple ways to solve problems best solved other ways. They are low hanging fruit. It's not about the particular language. Goto lets you abstract a problem by making it some other bit of codes problem. If lets you choose that abstraction. There are better ways to abstract and better ways to choose the abstraction. Polymorphism for one. Commented Aug 26, 2016 at 2:58
  • 2
    Although I agree with you, this is a poorly worded answer. "True, don't care" is not a convincing argument for anything. I think your main message is this: although goto is appealing to people who prefer using efficient, powerful tools, it leads to a surprisingly huge amount of wasted time later on, even when care is taken.
    – Artelius
    Commented Aug 26, 2016 at 3:12
  • 2
    @artelius The "true, don't care" theme isn't meant to be convincing. It's meant to illustrate the many points I'll concede to goto and still come down against it. Thus arguing those points with me is pointless. Since that's not my point. Get the point? Commented Aug 26, 2016 at 3:15
  • 1
    I just believe that a good answer doesn't just state your opinion, but also explains it, and allows the reader to make his own judgement. As it stands, it's unclear why goto's good points aren't enough to outweigh its problems. Most of us have spent hours of hair-pulling trying to find bugs that don't involve goto. It's not the only construct that's hard to reason about. Someone asking this question is probably much less experienced and needs things put in perspective.
    – Artelius
    Commented Aug 26, 2016 at 4:29

Assembly languages typically have only conditional/unconditional jumps (the equivalent of GOTO. Older implementations of FORTRAN and BASIC had no control block statements beyond a counted iteration (the DO loop), leaving all other control flow to IFs and GOTOs. The DO loop in these languages was terminated by a numerically labeled statement. As a result, code written for these languages could be, and often was, hard to follow and prone to mistakes.

To underscore the point, there is the facetiously invented "COME FROM" statement.

There is practically no need to use GOTO in languages like C, C++, C#, PASCAL, Java, etc.; alternative constructions can be used which will almost certainly be just as efficient and far more maintainable. It's true that one GOTO in a source file will not be a problem. The problem is that it doesn't take many to make a unit of code difficult to follow and error-prone to maintain. That's why the accepted wisdom is to avoid GOTO whenever possible.

This wikipedia article on the goto statement might be helpful

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