In Python, if you have a classvar, it's accessible from an instance, but if you set the variable on the instance it doesn't actually change the classvar, rather it assigns a new name which shadows the parent value:
>>> class Foo:
... classvar = 10
>>> f = Foo()
>>> (Foo.classvar, f.classvar)
(10, 10)
>>> f.classvar = 30
>>> (Foo.classvar, f.classvar)
(10, 30)
>>> Foo.classvar = 9
>>> (Foo.classvar, f.classvar, Foo().classvar)
(9, 30, 9)
This is exactly akin to prototype inheritance in JavaScript:
> var proto = {x: 10};
> function Bar() { }
> Bar.prototype = proto;
> var b = new Bar();
> [proto.x, b.x]
[10, 10]
> b.x = 30
> [proto.x, b.x]
[10, 30]
> proto.x = 9
> [proto.x, b.x, (new Bar()).x]
[9, 30, 9]
Of course, if the child mutates the value, then it is seen in the parent, because the variable was not re-assigned and so no shadowing occurred:
>>> class Foo:
... classvar = [10]
>>> f = Foo(); f.classvar
>>> f.classvar[0] = 30
>>> (Foo.classvar, f.classvar)
([30], [30])
My question is: Is there any good reason for this? It seems like it would be less of a "gotcha" if the assign semantics were "assign on any parent if the value exists there, otherwise create the new value".
I ask because I'm designing my own language and, as I get to choose what the semantics are, I'm wondering if I should break from the herd and do what seems like less of a gotcha.