My company wants to do microservices and has created an outline of their plan (see below) (focused on dealing with files). I am not sure this is really microservices since I thought each microservice would have an individual data store? Also, they seem like one-offs that have no dependency on each other so in the end is this just SOA?
When I think microservices I think about the classic shopping cart/products example where it's a collection of services that truly work together.
- File Saving
- Generate MD5
- Generate Sha1
- Reduplicate (MD5)
- File Location Retrieval
- File Retrieval
- Delete/Disable/Invisible
Post Processing Services (can be async)
- Identify File Type
- Extract Text
- Extract content
- Extract Images
- Extract Metadata
- Screen Capture File History (Part of every service)
- Transcoding
- Thumbnail Generation
- Image
- Video
- Audio generation
- Descriptor Generation
- Descriptor Insertion
- Access Control/Authorization
- Tagging
- Caching
- File Relationship Management