I have some trouble with picking the right license for my works.
I have a few requirements:
- Not copyleft like the GNU (L)GPL and allows for redistribution under other licenses
- Allows other people to redistribute your (modified) work but prevents that other people freely make money off my work (they need to ask/buy a commercial license if they want to)
- Compatible with the GNU (L)GPL
- Not responsible for any damage caused by my work
Now, I wrote my own little license based on the BSD and CC Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 licenses, but I am not sure if it will hold in court.
Copyright <year> <copyright holder>. All rights reserved. Redistribution of this work, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 1. All redistributions must attribute <copyright holder> as the original author or licensor of this work (but not in any way that suggests that they endorse you or your use of the work). 2. All redistributions must be for non-commercial purposes and free of charge unless specific written permission by <copyright holder> is given. This work is provided by <copyright holder> "as is" and any express or implied warranties are disclaimed. <copyright holder> is not liable for any damage arising in any way out of the use of this work.
Now, you could help me by either:
- Point me to an existing license which is satisfies my requirements
- Confirm that my license has no major flaws and most likely would hold in court
Edit: Can you define "compatible with the GNU (L)GPL"?
"compatible with the GNU (L)GPL" means that all code licensed under it is able to be imported in a GNU (L)GPL project, but not (necessarily) vice-versa.
I used the wording "non-commercial" but I mean it should be illegal to ask for money for a (modified) redistribution unless you bought the "commercial" license.
So basicly I'm asking something impossible. In order of importance for me:
- Not copyleft like the GNU (L)GPL and allows for redistribution under other licenses
- Compatible with the GNU (L)GPL
- Allows other people to redistribute your (modified) work but prevents that other people freely make money off my work (they need to ask/buy a commercial license if they want to)
The first and second are perfectly compatible, but the last is not compatible with the second, and going open-source is not compatible with the first. RAAH!
This is the new license I'll be using. 10 lines, quick to the point and tight (from a IANAL view).
Copyright <year> <copyright holder>. All rights reserved. Redistribution of this work, with or without modification, is permitted if <copyright holder> is attributed as the original author or licensor of this work, but not in any way that suggests that <copyright holder> endorses you or your use of the work. This work is provided by <copyright holder> "as is" and any express or implied warranties are disclaimed. <copyright holder> is not liable for any damage arising in any way out of the use of this work.