Within a Java shop, we are using Spring MVC, some HTML output and some JSON/Rest output as a service. Our client side is more familiar with jQuery for ajax messaging to the server. We have been able to build Ajax applications but the approach is cumbersome with just jquery and java code. What are some approaches for building ajax apps that don't use the single page application approach? For example, are there libraries that would support ajaxy widgets on the client side? In angularjs you can achieve this with directives.
Mainly, it would be nice to have a better javascript client side library like with Angluarjs that uses a client side MVC approach.
I have seen Ajax oriented architectures that use AngularJS with $http REST calls. Without using angularjs and single page oriented applications, what are approaches for building ajax based applications. Our current approaches have been Spring MVC HTML output and some Ajax request calls using jQuery. Are there are different approaches without the SPA approach?