If I split up the development into a timebox with 3 phases: planning (e.g. with planning meeting), functional progress (software development / implementing user stories) and finalization (e.g. with review meeting). What is the iteration/sprint? Does the iteration also contain planning and finalization or are these parts of a progress "outside" of the iteration/sprint? If I want to create a burndown chart and start while I'm within the planning phase (adding user stories and estimations) then the burndown is somewhat useless... because you never will meet the ideal line (because you start some days late with the kickoff after backlog grooming and planning meeting.
How do you solve that problem?
Do you plan Iterations as timeboxes that follow immediatly (containing planning and finalization) or is planning and finalization outside of this timebox?
What I don't like in the mind set of "iteration is everything" is the aspect of planning the thing what is already started and where I'm already in and changing things where it is said it should be stable (for the iteration). The iteration backlog should not be changed during the iteration/sprint!? How can this be done if the planning is inside and I need to add user stories and estimate them with the team. From my perspective the iteration backlog for the team is fixed (should not be steered to other direction) within the sprint from the time point starting the functional progress/work of implementing the user stories (with rare exceptions, for example could get new story from backlog). Which means you are "agile" and can react within the max of a timebox of 1 week. I don't think that "agile" means do immediately put the hammer away and change your iteration goal without having good reasons.
What are arguments for/against?
From my perspective the iteration backlog for the team is fixed
That is part of the problem. It's not fixed, and even the Scrum guide acknowledges this:As new work is required, the Development Team adds it to the Sprint Backlog. As work is performed or completed, the estimated remaining work is updated. When elements of the plan are deemed unnecessary, they are removed.
Ideally, changes to the Sprint backlog should be minimized, but they aren't prohibited. It seems like you're trying to use many traditional, plan-driven techniques in an agile environment. That's not going to work.