Right now I am working with embedded systems and figuring out ways to implement strings on a microprocessor with no operating system. So far what I am doing is just using the idea of having NULL terminated character pointers and treating them as strings where the NULL signifies the end. I know that this is fairly common, but can you always count on this to be the case?
The reason I ask is that I was thinking about maybe using a real time operating system at some point, and I'd like to re-use as much as my current code as possible. So for the various choices that are out there, can I pretty much expect the strings to work the same?
Let me be more specific though for my case. I am implementing a system that takes and processes commands over a serial port. Can I keep my command processing code the same, and then expect that the string objects created on the RTOS (which contains the commands) to all be NULL terminated? Or, would it be different based on the OS?
After being advised to take a look at this question I have determined that it does not exactly answer what I am asking. The question itself is asking if a string's length should always be passed which is entirely different than what I am asking, and although some of the answers had useful information in them they are not exactly what I am looking for. The answers there seemed to give reasons why or why not to terminate a string with a null character. The difference with what I am asking is if I can more or less expect the in-born strings of different platforms to terminate their own strings with null, without having to go out and try every single platform out there if that makes sense.