I am very confused in implementing MCTS for a connect 5 game. According to Wikipedia:
Selection: start from root R and select successive child nodes down to a leaf node L.
Lets say it's the AI's turn. The current board state is R. There should be no child nodes of R, right? Then, how can you "select successive child nodes down to a leaf node L"? Because you have no child nodes of R. Does child node L mean every single move the AI can make from R?
If that child node L , which is a game state, is not a victory for neither the AI or the player, you randomly play moves until some wins, and backpropagate up to R. What do you do after backpropagating?
I dont understand how you select child node L. Even before that, I'm not sure how L is created. It sounds very strange because it seems like you are "selecting" a child node on the very first step.
It would be great if some can simplify this. Thanks.