I have three functions which act on a matrix and kind of find a minimum sum path (Note dim
= 80, See https://projecteuler.net/problem=82):
-- f is the minimum cost from x, y by taking only up and right (up and down doesn't make sense)
f :: [[Int]] -> Int -> Int -> Int
f arr x y
| y == dim-1 = arr !! x !! y
| otherwise = arr !! x !! y + if x > 0 then min (h arr x (y+1)) (f arr (x-1) y) else h arr x (y+1)
-- g is the minimum cost from x, y by taking only down and right (up and down doesn't make sense)
g :: [[Int]] -> Int -> Int -> Int
g arr x y
| y == dim-1 = arr !! x !! y
| otherwise = arr !! x !! y + if x + 1 < dim then min (h arr x (y+1)) (g arr (x+1) y) else h arr x (y+1)
-- h is the minimum cost from x, y by taking both up, down and right
h :: [[Int]] -> Int -> Int -> Int
h arr x y
| y == dim-1 = arr !! x !! y
| otherwise = min (g arr x y) (f arr x y)
I tried using Data.Function.Memoize
but that also wasn't quite working (I strongly believe that I am doing something wrong), i.e. I was making memoF = memoize f
and so on and replacing calls to f
, g
and h
with memoF
and so on.
I finally need to find minimum [h arr x 0 | x <- [0..dim-1]]
What should I be doing?