We are a team responsible for 3 products:
- 2 products are in active development of new functionality and are moving fast therefore work there could be classified as project
- 3rd product is alive and kicking and here work involves BAU 1 and maintenance
One of the products is new and with great promise to the business, so the work there will always be in full swing. It is also most attractive project to team members.
The second product is being developed, but work there is of slightly lower priority and therefore will ebb and flow.
The BAU work on the 3rd product will be mostly quiet with short bursts of activity to fix reported issues and assist in deployment.
Thus far the work planning was very much ad hoc and we want to bring increased planning, predictability and some tracking with all the benefits but mainly, so that the team stays motivated due to delivering the real value, while the business gets increased predictability and quality.
So the question as stated in the title is:
How to manage such diverse and of changing nature work, but add enough process to keep the objectives of increased predictability, software quality and job satisfaction?
We think that we have following options:
- Two separate Scrums to manage the two products under active development and a Kanban board to pull the BAU items for the third product. People would rotate between the 3 to give everybody some smooth with the rough (new projects vs. BAU work). Downsides are the various combinations affecting even very rough notion of team capacity and velocity, fluctuating estimates.
- One Scrum with all work across the 3 projects going into it. This way we are staying a team of the same capacity, the same averaged ability to estimate, and rotating of smooth to rough would be happening on per user story basis. We are not sure yet whether this way is supported by the tools we use (Jira) but it seems like much better option to accommodate such complex business setting.
I think we are keener on option 2, but would anybody see any obvious problems and trappings which we might have missed?
Any constructive pointers and suggestions much appreciated!
N.B. We know how specific and unique such situation is and ideally we all would work on one project/product with well groomed backlog, great road map and with business being able to create ideal delivery environment, but these things are out of our control.