I'm trying to understand how this method works and everywhere I check it I find there's something faulty or maybe it's that I'm not understanding something from the method.
Here there's an explanation of the method for reference.
Some things of the method don't make much of a sense for a while or do-while loop. I mean, if you use a while or do-while loop it's because you don't know how much iterations the loop is going to have.
In this case I don't see things like these ones to hold a meaning:
Design a test in which a loop body is executed some "typical" number of times.
What's the typical number of times for a while or do-while loop? Those loops usually depend on the user taking some action, so I don't think it makes any sense talking about executing a "typical" number of times as it's highly dependent on the user. Unless we consider "typical" the amount of times the user is likely to use the loop, which I find impossible to know under any reasonable standard.
Work outward, conducting tests (as described above) for each loop, while holding the number of iterations of outer loops at the minimal nonzero values possible (that is, the minimal values that can be used when the inner loop body is to be executed the desired number of times)[...]
What's a minimum value for a while or do-while loop, I can undersand that maybe if there where to be a condition like while (int_num>0) it could be tested for int_num=1, but how would it be done if the condition were a String comparison for example?
Thanks for your time.