I'm wondering if there is a any standardised terminology surrounding the following concept so I can try and research some best practices... here we go
In my current place of work on our database we have what we refer to internally as 'validation groups and codes'. A typical example of their use would be for select lists on forms.
We have a group e.g. 'Employment status' then the entries associated with that group:
- Full time
- Part time
- Self employed
- Retired
- Unemployed
- Student
- Long term sick leave
DB would look like this
ID (PK), description (String)
ID (PK), description (String), group (FK), enabled (Bool)
We have hundreds of these groups in our system. We usually use them for storing data which needs to be in the DB but doesn't in and of itself warrant its own data structure. This allows us or our clients to add or remove to the data sets or configure them as necessary, e.g. disabling entries or renaming them.
More complicated systems may allow for a parent child relationship between codes and groups allowing subgroups within certain categories. This closest terminology I have seen widely used is an enum in java for example but I think what I'm talking about differs somewhat..
Is there any standardised terminology surrounding this concept?