An interesting question I've stumbled upon:
Let's assume a java application creates a data model, converts this data to a json object with two fields and uploads it to a server:
"FirstName": "Foo",
"LastName": "Bar"
Now a different technology, say js, php, etc on the server needs to process the data.
Both sides are well tested against a set of unit tests but naturally integration across different languages and technologies is hard to be tested in depth.
Is there a known principle or technique that can validate the data on both ends? I mean lets say there is a contract that says that LastName
must not, by any chance be <2 chars in size. This is a business rule which is a hard constraint on the data.
Now the java implementation has a bug or simply overlooked the requirement for LastName
. Both sides complete unit tests but they fail hard during integration.
Is there some technique that allows to specify such rules across languages? I am not talking about runtime rejection of malformed data but rather ensure consistency on both sides of an application.
is "World", etc