We need to send 1000s (under 10,000) per day for a few years. The data is in a SQL Server database - we have many asp.net MVC 5 and .net CORE 2 MVC sites on a Windows 2012 R2 server on IIS.
The emails are sent to customers who are expiring, so some calculations are required to work out who to send what to but nothing super taxing. I'm using AWS SES to send emails.
Previously we just used an asp.net web forms page with a long time out intermittently hit at a certain URL by pingdom.
I'd like to modernise this - I've been looking at Hangfire.net and RabbitMQ / RawRabbit. I don't want to get too bogged down and want to keep this relatively simple.
What would be a good way to architect this that's simple to maintain and build? Are there any other approaches that I haven't considered, are my suggestions good?