I am now working on a project that started as university homework and actually, still is a university homework (not turned in yet...) and, if I'm successfull (that doesn't mean turning it in and getting a better-than-failing grade, that means bringing it to publication quality), this is going to be the largest piece of code I've ever written. I'm noticing I'm violationg I'm violating many commonly believed best practices... and, perhaps even worse, I don't quite see how could / should I refactor my code to make it adhere to them. But, since the deadline is closer and closer, I'm trying to simply finish my work as of now.
I must say, I have (maybe too) high hopes with regard to this piece of code... I mean, I'd like to actually publish it at some point. Of course, I might first turn my homework in, then try to work on it until it starts adhering to common best practices... But I fear this is hardly possible? Because of my lack of experience, my former habit of rejecting people trying to teach me about patterns, anti-patterns and code smells and my lack of deep understanding of those patterns, I'm afraid I'm going to sooner succumb to paralysis by analysis, rather than bring my code to good quality by myself.
What should I do with this piece of code I'm writing now?