I have a DDD repository for Employee
entity. Employee will have some borrowed equipment from his employer. Because there will be more employee related records like work reports, wage reports and Employee
entity could become huge I'm thinking to exclude these related records actions out of Employee
entity / repository.
I'm not sure but when I try to model actions in Employee
entity I get something like these:
- getBorrowedEquipments
- returnEquipment
- borrowEquipment
- getWorkReports
- getWorkReportDetail
- etc
And these actions names / smell as a work with another entity and maybe it could be separated to the another repository. I think it's related to composition concept as is known in OOP.
What is proper entity / repository structure to work with related records to particular entity? E.g. for use case as "get all borrowed equipments for particular employee"? Or "return one equipment back to the employer"?
Thank you.