I am reading and hearing that people (also on this site) routinely praise the functional programming paradigm, emphasising how good it is to have everything immutable. Notably, people propose this approach even in traditionally imperative OO languages, like C#, Java or C++, not only in purely functional languages like Haskell that force this on the programmer.
I find it hard to understand, because I find mutability and side-effects... convenient. However, given how people currently condemn side effects and consider it a good practice to get rid of them wherever possible, I believe that if I want to be a competent programmer I have to start my jorney towards some better understanding of the paradigm... Hence my Q.
One place when I find problems with the functional paradigm is when an object is naturally referenced from multiple places. Let me describe it on two examples.
The first example will be my C# game I'm trying to make in my spare time. It's turn-based web game where both players have teams of 4 monsters and can send a monster from their team to the battlefield, where it will face the monster sent by the opposing player. Players can also recall monsters from the battlefield and replace them with another monster from their team (similarily to Pokemon).
In this setting, a single monster can be naturally referenced from at least 2 places: a player's team and the battlefield, which references two "active" monsters.
Now let's consider the situation when one monster is hit and looses 20 health points. Within the brackets of the imperative paradigm I modify this monster's health
field to reflect this change - and this is what I'm doing now. However, this makes the Monster
class mutable and the related functions (methods) impure, which I guess is considered a bad practice as of now.
Even though I gave myself the permission to have the code of this game in a lesser-than-ideal state in order to have any hopes of actually finishing it at some point of the future, I would like to know and understand how should it be written properly. Therefore: If this is a design flaw, how to fix it?
In the functional style, as I understand it, I'd instead make a copy of this Monster
object, keeping it identical to the old one except for this one field; and the method suffer_hit
would return this new object instead of modifying the old one in place. Then I'd likewise copy the Battlefield
object, keeping all its fields the same except for this monster.
This comes with at least 2 difficulties:
- The hierarchy can easily be much deeper than this simplified example of just
. I'd have to do such copying of all fields except one and returning a new object all the way up this hierarchy. This would be boilerplate code which I find annoying especially since functional programming is supposed to reduce boilerplate. - A much more severe problem, however, is that this would lead to the data being out of sync. The field's active monster would see its health reduced; however, this same monster, referenced from its controlling player
, would not. If I instead embraced the imperative style, every modification of data would be instantly visible from all other places of code and in such cases like this one I find it really convenient - but the way I'm getting things this is precisely what people say is wrong with the imperative style!- Now it would be possible to take care of this issue by taking a journey to the
after each attack. This is extra work. However, what if a monster can suddenly be later referenced from even more places? What if I come with an ability that, for example, lets a monster focus on another monster that is not necessarily on the field (I'm actually considering such an ability)? Will I surely remember to take also a journey to focused monsters immediatelly after each attack? This seems to be a time bomb that will explode as the code gets more complex, so I think it is a no solution.
- Now it would be possible to take care of this issue by taking a journey to the
An idea for a better solution comes from my second example, when I hit the same problem. In the academia we were told to write an interpreter of a language of our own design in Haskell. (This is also how I was forced to start understanding what FP is). The problem showed up when I was implementing closures. Once again the same scope could now be referenced from multiple places: Through the variable that holds this scope and as the parent scope of any nested scopes! Obviously, if a change is made to this scope via any of the references pointing to it, this change must also be visible through all other references.
The solution I came with was to assign each scope an ID and hold a central dictionary of all scopes in the State
monad. Now variables would only hold the ID of the scope they were bound to, rather than the scope itself, and nested scopes would also hold the ID of their parent scope.
I guess the same approach could be attempted in my monster battling game... Fields and teams do not reference monsters; they instead hold IDs of monsters that are saved in a central monster dictionary.
However, I can once again see a problem with this approach that prevent me from accepting it without hesistation as the solution to the issue:
It once again is a source of boilerplate code. It makes one-liners necessarily 3-liners: what previously was a one-line in-place modification of a single field now requires (a) Retrieving the object from the central dictionary (b) Making the change (c) Saving the new object to the central dictionary. Also, holding ids of objects and central dictionaries instead of having references increases complexity. Since FP is advertised to reduce complexity and boilerplate code, this hints I'm doing it wrong.
I was also going to write about asecond problem that seems much more severe: This approach introduces memory leaks. Objects that are unreachable will normally be garbage collected. However, objects held in a central dictionary cannot be garbage collected, even if no reachable object references this particular ID. And while theoretically careful programming can avoid memory leaks (we could take care to manually remove each object from the central dictionary once it is no longer needed), this is error prone and FP is advertised to increase the correctness of programs so once again this may not be the correct way.
However, I found out in time that it rather seems to be a solved problem. Java provides WeakHashMap
that could be used to solve this issue. C# provides a similar facility - ConditionalWeakTable
- although according to the docs it is meant to be used by compilers. And in Haskell we have System.Mem.Weak.
Is storing such dictionaries the correct functional solution to this problem or is there a simpler one that I'm failing to see? I imagine that the number of such dictionaries can easily grow and badly; so if these dictionares are supposed to also be immutable this can mean a lot of parameter-passing or, in languages that support that, monadic computations, since the dictionaries would be held in monads (but once again I'm reading that in purely functional languages as little code as possible should be monadic, while this dictionary solution would place almost all code inside of the State
monad; which once again makes me doubt if this is the correct solution.)
After some consideration I think I'd add one more question: What are we gaining via constructing such dictionaries? That what's wrong with imperative programming is, according to many experts, that changes in some objects propagate to other pieces of code. To solve this issue objects are supposed to be immutable - precisely for this reason, if I understand correctly, that changes made to them should not be visible elsewhere. But now I'm concerned about other pieces of code operating on out-of-date data so I invent central dictionaries so that... once again changes in some pieces of code propagate to other pieces of code! Aren't we, therefore, back to the imperative style with all of its supposed drawbacks, but with added complexity?
) can retrieve the outcome of the battle and thus the monsters' states by a (battle number, monster entity ID) tuple.