I was reading this page, about when getters/setters are justified, and the OP gave the following code sample:

class Fridge
     int cheese;

     void set_cheese(int _cheese) { cheese = _cheese; }
     int get_cheese() { return cheese; }

void go_shopping(Fridge fridge)
     fridge.set_cheese(fridge.get_cheese() + 5);        

The accepted answer states:

By the way, in your example, I would give the class Fridge the putCheese() and takeCheese() methods, instead of get_cheese() and set_cheese(). Then you would still have encapsulation.

How is encapsulation preserved by renaming it from get/set to putCheese()/takeCheese() You're obviously getting/setting a value, so why not simply leave it as get/set?

In the same answer it also states:

Having getters and setters does not in itself break encapsulation. What does break encapsulation is automatically adding a getter and a setter for every data member (every field, in java lingo), without giving it any thought.

In this case, we only have one variable, cheese, and you may want to take and return the cheese to the fridge, so a get/set pair in this case is justified.

  • 7
    putCheese would add cheese to the fridge, and takeCheese would remove it -- these are (higher level) domain-oriented abstractions, rather than object field getters & setters (which are (low-level) computer programming abstractions).
    – Erik Eidt
    Commented Aug 13, 2019 at 13:15

4 Answers 4


I think you are missing the point. Its not saying you should rename the setter and getter, but to have methods which add and remove items from the fridge. ie

public class Fridge
    private int numberOfCheeseSlices;

    public void AddCheeseSlices(int n)
         if(n < 0) { 
             throw new Exception("you cant add negative cheese!");
         if(numberOfCheeseSlices + n > this.capacityOfFridge) { 
             throw new Exception("TOO MUCH CHEESE!!");
         this.numberOfCheeseSlices += n;

Now the private variable is encapsulated. I cant just set it to anything I want, I can only add and remove cheese slices from the fridge using the methods, which in turn ensure that whatever cheese business logic rules I want are applied.

  • 2
    Right, but you can still leave it as setCheese() have have that same logic in the setter. To me anyways, you're attempting to hide the fact you're using a setter by renaming the method, but your obviously getter/setting something. Commented Aug 13, 2019 at 12:56
  • 21
    @QueenSvetlana it's not a setter. It's an operation. You're telling the fridge "here's another cheese," and it is adding it to its internal, encapsulated cheese count. A setter would say "you now have 5 cheeses." These are functionally different operations, not just different names.
    – Ant P
    Commented Aug 13, 2019 at 12:57
  • 1
    you could call it setCheese, but that would be confusing as it would not set the value of the cheese.
    – Ewan
    Commented Aug 13, 2019 at 13:00
  • 6
    Note there's an integer overflow bug here. If there's more than 0 cheese already, AddCheese(Integer.MAX_VALUE) should fail, but won't. Commented Aug 13, 2019 at 22:56
  • 3
    that would totaly be covered in the ..etc section
    – Ewan
    Commented Aug 14, 2019 at 7:28

Getters and setters break encapsulation every single time, by definition. What might be argued is that sometimes we need to do that. With that out of the way, here are my answers:

How is encapsulation preserved by renaming it from get/set to putCheese()/takeCheese() You're obviously getting/setting a value, so why not simply leave it as get/set?

The difference is in semantics, i.e. the meaning of what you write. Encapsulation is not only about protecting, but hiding internal state. Internal state should not even be known outside, instead the object is expected to offer business-relevant methods (sometimes referred to as "behavior") to manipulate/use that state.

So get and set are technical terms and seem to have nothing to do with the "fridge" domain, while put and take might actually make some sense.

However, whether put or take make actual sense still depends on the requirements and can not be objectively judged. See next point:

In this case, we only have one variable, cheese, and you may want to take and return the cheese to the fridge, so a get/set pair in this case is justified.

That can not be objectively determined without more context. Your example contains a go_shopping() method somewhere else. If that is what the Fridge is for, than it does not need get or set, what it needs is Fridge.go_shopping(). This way you have a method that is derived from the requirements, all "data" that it needs is local and you have actual behavior instead of just a thinly veiled data-structure.

Remember, you are not building a generic, reusable Fridge. You are building a Fridge for your requirements only. Any effort spent making it more than what it needs to be is actually wasteful.

  • 10
    Getters and setters break encapsulation every single time -- That's a bit too strongly worded for my taste. Methods (including getters and setters) have the same purpose as gates do at a concert: they allow orderly entry and exit from the venue. Commented Aug 13, 2019 at 16:08
  • 8
    "Getters and setters break encapsulation every single time, by definition" - by which definition? I too have an issue with this, because getters and setters are just part of the public interface, as any other public member; they only break encapsulation if they expose implementation details that are deemed to be internal by design (that is, by a decision of the programmer (or a team)). The fact that getters and setters are often added haphazardly, with coupling control being an afterthought, is another matter entirely. Commented Aug 13, 2019 at 17:12
  • 2
    @FilipMilovanović Fair point. As I mention in the answer, "encapsulation" is used to hide object internals (== object state == instance variables). Getters and setters publish object internals. Therefore by these definitions they are in perpetual conflict. Now, whether sometimes we need to break encapsulation is a different matter, which should be handled separately. To be clear, by saying that setters/getters always break encapsulation I'm not saying it's always "wrong", if that helps. Commented Aug 13, 2019 at 17:25
  • 5
    getters and setters do not "break encapsulation literally always". Getters and setters often don't even refer to members underneath directly, perform some sort of operation, or are only exclusively defined, you might only have a getter or might only have a setter. It breaks encapsulation when getters and setters don't do anything more than member access and are both defined for the same fields. Even this may be necessary for library maintainers who don't want to break ABIs/APIs with internal changes and avoid client recompilation.
    – Krupip
    Commented Aug 13, 2019 at 21:07
  • 4
    Ok, getters and setter only break encapsulation 99% of the time. Happy? And, by exposing the type of the encapsulated object, they definitely break encapsulation. Once you have a public int getFoo() it's nearly impossible, in practice, to change to another type.
    – user949300
    Commented Aug 13, 2019 at 23:52

Almost all of this shows a fundamental misunderstanding of encapsulation, and how it applies.

The initial response that you were breaking encapsulation is just wrong. Your application may have a need to simply set the value of cheese in the fridge instead of increment/decrement or add/remove. Also, it is not semantics, no matter what you call it, if you have a need to access and/or change attributes you don't break encapsulation by providing them. Finally, encapsulation is not really about "hiding", it's about controlling access to state and values that should not need to be public or manipulated outside of the class, while granting it to those that should and performing the task made available internally.

A getter or setter doesn't break encapsulation when there is a legitimate need to get or set a value. This is why methods can be made public.

Encapsulation is about keeping data and the methods that modify that data directly together in one logical place, the class.

In this particular case, there is clearly a need to change the value of cheese in the application. Regardless of how this is done, via get/set or add/remove, as long as the methods are encapsulated in the class you are following the object oriented style.

For clarification, I'll give an example of how encapsulation is broken by providing access regardless of method name or logical execution.

Say your fridge has a "lifetime", just a number of ticks before the fridge is no longer operational (for the sake of argument, the fridge can't be repaired). Logically there is no way a user (or the rest of your application) should be able to change this value. It should be private. It would only be visible through say a different public attribute known as "isWorking". When the lifetime expires, internally the fridge sets isWorking to false.

The execution of the lifetime counting down and its flipping the isWorking switch is all internal to the fridge, nothing outside could/should be able to effect the process. isWorking should only be visible, thus a getter does not break the encapsulation. However adding accessors for elements of the lifetime process would break your encapsulation.

Like most things, the definition of encapsulation is not literal, it's relative. Should you be able to see X outside of the class? Should you be able to change Y? Is everything that applies to your object here in this class or is the functionality spread across multiple classes?

  • Let's look at it pragmatically. You are saying encapsulation is not broken if the code is intended that way, or if there is a "legitimate" reason. That basically means we can never ever say encapsulation is broken, because the developer only has to say she "intended" that way, or there was a "legitimate" reason. So this definition is basically useless then, isn't it? Commented Aug 16, 2019 at 6:45
  • No, I'm say encapsulation is not broken simply by providing access. And it has nothing to do with what a programmer says, but what the needs of the application are. An application needs to have access to manipulate the objects, encapsulation is about controlling access. An application may need to "set" an attribute of an object, but the logic and or calculations required to perform that "set" operation should be encapsulated in the object class.
    – user343330
    Commented Aug 16, 2019 at 17:25
  • I think this is where we fundamentally differ, you say: "An application may need to "set" an attribute of an object...". I don't think so. Choosing a design that involves setting or getting an attribute is up to the developer. It's a choice! There are a lot of ways to code something, not all of those involve getting or setting instance variable values. Commented Aug 16, 2019 at 20:06
  • Could be...Usually design is based around meeting a need, whether either is chosen by the programmer is based on the business environment. In either case though, if the application has a fundamental need to manipulate a value that is part of an object, then you have to make that functionality accessible in some way. Providing an entry point to do work isn't breaking encapsulation. Take a sales app. At some point your transaction should calculate tax, doing that in the transaction object would keep it encapsulated, but the app should be able to state transaction.CalcTax
    – user343330
    Commented Aug 16, 2019 at 20:16
  • Setters are bad examples because of their simplicity, think in terms of a function that does far more work that results in an object attribute being updated vs something outside the class doing the work and then saying object.attribute = x. The first is good encapsulation while providing the appropriate access, the second is not. As for getters, does the application need to know just that piece of an object to do something else that cannot be contained in the object class? if yes, exposing it doesn't break your encapsulation. if no, then encapsulate it in the object class
    – user343330
    Commented Aug 16, 2019 at 20:17

It's not just renaming a method. The two methods function differently.

(Picture this in your mind)

get_cheese and set_cheese exposes the cheese. putCheese() and takeCheese() keeps the cheese hidden and takes care of managing it and give the user a way to handle it. The observer doesn't see the cheese, he/she only sees two methods of manipulating it.

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