In Scheme, the general form of a procedure definition is:
(define (<name> <parameters>) <body>)
where <body> accepts a sequence of expressions, allowing this kind of procedure definitions:
> (define (f) 1 2 3)
> (f)
Likewise, the general form of a conditional expression is:
(cond (<predicate> <consequent>) (<predicate> <consequent>) … (<predicate> <consequent>))
where <consequent> in each clause accepts a sequence of expressions, allowing this kind of conditional expressions:
> (cond (#t 1 2 3))
But why can’t I use define
in a clause’s consequent of a conditional expression like in the body of a procedure definition?
> (define (f) (define x 1) (define y 1) (define z 1) (+ x y z))
> (f)
> (cond (#t (define x 1) (define y 1) (define z 1) (+ x y z)))
ERROR on line 1: unexpected define: (define x 1)
Note. — I am using the Chibi-Scheme 0.8.0 implementation on MacOS 10.15.2.