I’m trying to create a web application with a forum and user profile along with other functions. However I’m thinking about how I might implement an ID for each user. The best way I’ve seen other applications do it so far is like Discords, which is something I’d like to emulate in my own app.
Here is a link to Discords Wikipedia page if you're not sure what it is.
In Discords approach every user has an assigned 4 digit number in the form of #5456 for example. There is also a user chosen username that can be always be changed. This username is prepended before the assigned number so the full ID has the form of something like user#7853. See the screenshot below for a real world example:
I like this approach as it allows the user to change their name to a username that is already taken. However there are few things that are confusing me, firstly Discord has way more than 9999 users yet each user has a 4 digit ID. Secondly I’ve seen some users with duplicate numbers, usually that of #0001, which I think is what you get after buying some premium feature.
I have no idea how this works since I assumed the assigned numbers had to be unique. The only way I can think of both of these problems being solved is that the username and number are tied into a single ID, making both the username and number the factors that make the ID unique. But I’m not entirely sure if this is how it works.
If we assume that the latter is true where the both the name and number make up the entire ID, how might I be able to implement that into a MySQL user table using Java Spring JPA and Hibernate? At the moment I have this entity class for a user:
public class User
@OneToOne(mappedBy = "user", cascade = CascadeType.ALL)
private UserProfile userProfile;
@OneToOne(mappedBy = "user", cascade = CascadeType.ALL)
private UserPosts userPosts;
@GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY)
private long id;
private long points;
private String email, username, password;
private Date dateJoined;
public User() { }
// getters and setters
I have an ID of type long, but I think this would need to be changed into a new type that can be composed of both a string and a number. So I thought about creating a new ID object that can have both a string and a number.
Would I be able to store an object like this as an ID in a MySQL table and would this be the right approach by creating an ID object? Are my assumptions about how Discords user ID system works correct?
Any insight on the matter would be appreciated.