Let's say there's the class Book, with different models in different endpoints:
Endpoint A (consumer):
class Book{
Map<string,string> chapterName_content
Endpoint B (provider):
class Book{
string [] chapterNames
string [] content
Let's also assume that these are the structures that make the most sense within each endpoint, so changing them is not recommended.
Since the conversion is a direct one, I do not see the need to use Mapper classes or anything of the kind. To me the answer would be to create a DTO on Endpoint A that already does the mapping as such:
class BookDTO{
string [] chapterNames
string [] content
public Book toBook()
public string toJson()
static BookDTO fromBook(Book book)
static BookDTO fromJson(string jsonRepresentation)
Is not using an external class for the mapping a bad practice?
turns the string into object?