I currently design an API using spring boot. In my service layer, I use Entity Manager for accessing the database. I have provided a method in my service layer below as an example.
public Object getFirstReturnDate(Long vehicle_id, LocalDateTime reservation_date){
String string = "SELECT r.reservation_time from Reservation r left join fetch r.driverAssignment where r.reservation_time > :reservation_time " +
"and r.reserved_status.slug in ('pending','approved') and r.reserved_vehicle.id=:vehicle_id " +
" order by r.reservation_time asc ";
Query query = em.createQuery(string);
List<LocalDateTime> localDateTimes=query.getResultList();
return new DefaultResponseDTO(200, ResponseStatus.OK,"Any Date",null);;
return new DefaultResponseDTO(200, ResponseStatus.OK,"Possible Time",localDateTimes.get(0));
in the testing unit, I mocked the entity manager as below,
EntityManager em;
And in the test method,
Query query = Mockito.mock(Query.class);
Mockito.when(query.getResultList()).thenReturn(new LinkedList());
My question is, if I mock entity Manger as I mentioned above then the query in the method didn't get checked. Is it a bad coding practice?
Is there any other way to check queries without calling the database?