I think it's O(m*n) but someone said it's O(n). If you think it's O(n) could you provide an explanation?
def convert(self, s: str, numRows: int) -> str:
if numRows == 1:
return s
res = ""
for i in range(numRows):
col = i
while col < len(s):
res += s[col]
col_offset = 2 * (numRows - 1)
col_next = col + col_offset
diag = col + 2 * (numRows - 1 - col % col_offset)
if diag != col_next and diag != col and diag < len(s):
res += s[diag]
col = col_next
return res
My solution:
Representing outer loop: range(numRows)
by m
. and for the inner loop I'm representing len(s)
by n
. For each iteration of m
there is n
. Therefore I think the time complexity is O(mn)
. Is this correct?