Other answers are right: not all data can be compressed. I'm not aiming to replace the accepted answer, but to provide some other descriptive text that might also be useful.
I'd like to expand on the idea, though, that "we can arrange things so that it takes from the dull strings to give to the interesting strings"
It turns out that a lot of data you care about is actually "interesting".
Perhaps the clearest example I can provide is snow. No, I'm not talking about slightly melted ice. I'm talking about "visual static". See: Wikipedia's page on "Noise (video) for some examples.
Now, as it turns out, some people may find looking at such snow to be interesting. In particular, sometimes when old televisions didn't get a full visual signal, but their antenna got something, the end result is that people could sometimes make out some vague shapes moving in what was mostly just a bunch of visual gibberish.
Okay, so maybe you think a bunch of random dots of different grey scales interesting. However, here is the key question. Is any one of them any more interesting than any other?
What if the seventeenth pixel from the left and twenty seven rows from the top were four shades darker. Would that image be more or less interesting to you? Would you even notice? Even if you were told to check that, and if you had a way to measure that and you did, would you care?
See, an average individual possible screen of pretty randomized snow is, frankly, rather boring, not really any more or less interesting than a similar picture.
Yet, arranged pixels can create glorious images that we care about.
Okay, let's take a look at another example. A sine wave with frequency modulation. This sine wave typically it moves upward and downward between values of positive one and negative one. What you typically find is that the wave moves up, and then it moves down, and then it moves up. What makes it interesting is how quickly the sine wave is moving up or down.
If the thing, whatever the sine wave is measuring, had truely random data instead of useful ("interesting") data, then you wouldn't see an organized wave. You would see dots at random spaces. Maybe they wouldn't even follow the rule of being between negative one and positive one.
See, if I told you:
0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5, 3.0, 3.5
you see an interesting pattern. If I told you:
0.5 0.2 973 -4087265 0.42 -10 -15 8279827329.328932
Such numbers have no discernable pattern, and so aren't interesting.
Interesting spreadsheets store information in rows and columns in ways that are interesting. In contrast, one specific instance of really random data is, typically, not too terribly any more interesting than any other piece of truely random data. (And if we aren't needing to identify a specific piece of random data, then lossless compression is probably not as desired if lossy compression can compress stronger.)
So, when we work with data, we typically work with "interesting" data, which has some sort of discernable patterns. Data compression software tends to look for such patterns.
For instance, English text tends to use ASCII codes from 65 to 90 (A-Z) and 97 to 122 (a-z) and others (spaces, periods, sometimes numbers and commas). Much more rarely do you use some of the other characters on a keyboard (like curly braces { } which may get heavily used in computer programming, but not typical English writing), and it is quite uncommon to use some of the other bytes like the character ¼. But while English doesn't typically use such characters, typically data compression can use all of the possible characters that a byte can be set to, so there is a larger pool of availale characters to use than the group of characters that need to be represented. Combine that with concepts like vowels showing up more often, and it turns out that text is typically highy compressible.
Jasmijn's answer describes what FAQS.org Compression: section 8 calls this the "pigeon hole" principle. Allow me to visualize this a bit:
All possible values with three bits:
All possible values with two bits of less:
You can't compress all eight of the 3-bit possibilities into using just two bits of information. If those "two bit" variations represented "compressed data", there are four possible compressed files that can exist. Those can compress into four of the original/uncompressed 3-bit possibilities. The remaining 3-bit possibilities have no smaller form which doesn't already have a meaning (to compress to a different 3-bit value).
Granted, you could try some techniques like being able to store 1-bit values, but you'll still come up short, and then you probably need to store additional information like the length of the comressed file. Keep in mind that every single bit you use up, for anything, could represent twice as many potential files.
0 <= c(x) <= x
holds for all x then c must be the identity function. However if you allowc(x) > x
for some x, then you could have a subset A of x wherec(x) <= x
for x in A and not have a contradiction.