After reading about Value Objects, I think they're pretty cool and should be used, but I am not sure if I am doing it the right way.
Let's assume that I have a simple DTO to create a user, which contains information that should be validated (e.g., the email must be valid, the birthdate cannot be in the future, etc.) from a technical point of view. At the same time, I have a business requirement such as the user can't be younger than 14 years old, and I don't think that hardcoding this into the Birthdate class is a good idea. I think it would be better to move this validation to another service.
public class CreateUserPayloadDto {
Email email; // user's email
Birthdate birthdate; // user's birthdate
If I use Value Objects in the DTO, I can't test negative cases properly (for example, if the birthdate is in the future, then BAD REQUEST must be returned).
I have come up with three solutions:
- Do not use Value Objects but use Java Bean Validation (then convert it to a POJO with Value Objects inside).
- Use Value Objects and do not write tests for negative cases.
- Create a separate DTO that uses primitives but is the same as the DTO with Value Objects, and test it this way. See example of code below
public class CreateUserPayloadDto {
String email; // user's email
String birthdate; // user's birthdate
If you need more info, I will provide it as soon as I can. Thank you!
Here is an example of my integration test:
public CreateUserEndpointTest {
WebTestClient webTestClient;
public void shouldReturn400BadRequestIfBirthdateIsInTheFuture() {
final CreateUserPayloadDto body = CreateUserPayloadDto.builder()
// I can't do this, because Birthdate cannot be instantiated
// since it is invalid!
final WebTestClient.ResponseSpec responseSpec = sendRequest(body);