Background: I've run through a few tutorials and written some small projects. All is going well enough using Google and StackOverflow.
Several times in the last few days I've found myself wondering "what am I missing?" - I feel that I'm still thinking in Java as I write in Python.
This question over at StackOverflow is full of tips about what resources to read up on for learning Python, but I still feel that I'm a Java developer with a dictionary (no pun intended) to translate into Python.
What I really want to do is refactor my head to be able to write Pythonic Python instead of Java disguised as Python, without losing my Java skills either.
So, the crux of my question is: what concepts does a Java dev really need to learn to think Pythonic? This includes anything that needs to be unlearned.
Note: I am asking about language concepts, not about language syntax.