What is the best way to implement this:
1.iphone/webBrowser user selects some products (a,b,c) to buy
2.the chosen products most appear on the iPad located in the Store. using a UITableView perhaps.
3.The store staff then decide if the products are available in 10, 20 or 30 minutes for pick up.
4.When the store staff chose the time(10,20,30 minutes) it must appear/communicate back to the users web browser or iPhone.
5.buyer comes to the store to pick up the products he buyed!
Im not really good in this kind of communication stuff! I need help! what is the best way to implement this? are there external api/plugin I could use? I already have an ftp server.
I can do all the graphics and User interactions. the only problem for is the communication between the devices?
Thanks for help.