I joined the company currently I am working on as a fresher. Due to the limited number of skilled people in GIS software development, and since I was among one of them I was directly recruited as a Project Manager.
I was quite conversant with Java and GIS, and I have done self motivated research on location based services, but not with project management and structured software development. It was one year after my graduation as a Geology special and during the previous year I was working as an academic in a University.
Thanks to the interest I was having at work, an opportunity shown up, and eventually I was made responsible for the Business Intelligence department of the company as well. The company believed in me. I myself studied data warehousing and BI concepts and was successful in combining GIS with BI as well.
Also I am currently working with two developers on our BI tool in C# WPF, where I also play the role of a developer at times (which I like).
I tried extremely hard to adopt good software development methodologies with agile project management, but it was not very successful. Also, though I believe in well designed code as far as a product is concerned, due to the lack of technical knowledge my CEO has (who is directly above me), I normally do not get the amount of time needed to do it. The time taken is greatly enhanced by the lack of expertise we have in the specific coding language as a whole too (for instance WPF opposed to Java). Also there is no version controlling system in place as well.
I am extremely fed up with the way things are going as it is not structured and I find most of my time thinking than working as to how to get things structured. I hope you guys with good professional experience will be able to help me overcome this situation.