I think the biggest stressor for any programmer is a lack of confidence.
Yes, a lot of meetings (certainly not meetings per se) are unnecessary, but there is quite a lot I as a programmer can do about it. If I regularly have to attend meetings that - in my opinion - are not necessary, than it's my responsibility to stand up and say "hey, I do not need to be in that meeting - I can spend my time more productively".
The same goes for interruptions: Yes, that's a hassle. I've seen it in quite a few companies. However, a lot of times, once again, there are several things that can be done. A programmer doesn't need to check his mail account every five minutes and respond to every mail instantaneous. Likewise, if I don't want to be disturbed for a certain period of time I switch off my instant messanger and forward my phone.
These are just two examples - there are a lot more. Yes, sometimes the going get's rough. But most of the time, the problems we're talking about could be fixed quite easily with a little more confidence. Tell the people on the other side of the communications loop "yes, I heard you and I got your message but I'll get to that later".
The biggest problems are those, that we're creating ourselves! ;-)