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Questions tagged [.net-core]

.NET Core is a lean, composable and cross-platform framework for building web and cloud applications. It is fully open source and available on GitHub ( Applications in .NET Core can be run and/or hosted on Linux and MacOS under .NET Core.

16 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Technical architecture of platform on .Net Core

I'm designing a platform that will run robots developed by others. Basically anyone could implement a IAutonomousAgent and register the implementation on the platform. At runtime, the platform will ...
Leonardo's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

C#: Use Double Await Cause Issues?

We have Application service Method, which extracts data from SQL database using Entity Framework Core . Its Async method along with the Async Controller. Service: public async Task<IEnumerable<...
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What design pattern does this implementation follow?

For a middleware solution I expose an API, which processes data and sends the necessary information to different parties. In the current design we create a new client, which acts sort of like an ...
M. Mayhem's user avatar
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Microservice code reuse strategy for static classes

Hope this is the right place to post an opinion-based question like this. I'm in the process of converting an aging API monolith to a set of .NET 5/C#-based microservices and working on the code reuse ...
JTennessen's user avatar
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How can I improve this API solution

Intro I'm creating an app and I'm not sure if the structure of the solution is correct. I have a BaseController that uses generics. This controller is inherited by others that do not have to ...
Emily's user avatar
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How can I write integration tests if I need dynamically generated values from a javscript file?

We have a react website that, as part of it's process, loads a dynamically generated javascript file from a third party. It uses some of the scripts in this javascript file to generate values, which ...
David Jacobsen's user avatar
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Azure Service Bus: consume messages from multiple subscriptions vs forwarding messages to a single input queue

I'm designing an Azure Service Bus topology with multiple topics. Each topic is associated with a single message type: this is possible since we have a limited number of message types, each one with a ...
Enrico Massone's user avatar
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How to organize "master" data VS "working" data in MS SQL

I have this survey software that I'm writing and I'm wondering what would be the best design for my requirement. I'm going to simplify it as best as I can. I have these entities: class Survey { ...
Francis Ducharme's user avatar
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Synchronisation of db state in blazor

I have an app where certain data is stored in the database. Multiple users access the same set of data (similar of a collaboration tool). However, they can non deterministically work on stale data. ...
Mayur Ekbote's user avatar
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Net Core: Solutions to Update History Tables in Application Design

Our company did not properly design Address Record Code Module. Developers are updating Address SQL table with Multiple Service Methods, and are not updating AddressHistory Sql table. They're asking ...
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Registering dependency implemented in separate assembly with shared interfaces

Situation: I have a project with a Business Layer (WizBang.BL) that contains nearly all of my application logic. It communicates with a Data Layer (WizBang.Data) that contains by entity classes and ...
Valuator's user avatar
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How to send messages in the order they were queued, while ensuring that client B does not have to wait until client A has received his message?

I have a simplified producer/consumer pattern implemented below. The code outputs: "A" 1 second delay "B" 1 second delay "A" 1 second delay "B" ... What ...
AlanWakeUp's user avatar
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Real-time application and RDBMS bottleneck

I'm currently developing a real-time application using .NET Core 2.2. Many IOT devices (could be up to 100) are concurrently sending messages via MQTT. These messages are parsed, elaborated to extract ...
Alessandro's user avatar
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Should I use CQRS in this case?

I'm building web API. I have a problem where input differs from the output, for example, input expects just the id and output returns entire object. Also, there are few things specific to the output ...
Konrad's user avatar
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Are good practice to use SKPointI as key for dictionary

In my application I using SKPoinI as a key to store some small objects in Dictionary. SkiaSharp already used in this project for drawing and not need to be referred to only to allow SKPointI to be ...
Bogdan Samchuk's user avatar
-3 votes
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Hosting a standalone .Net Core Web Application

We've created a .Net Core Web Application and are deploying it as a stand-alone exe. The main reason for deploying it stand-alone was to not be dependent upon the version of .Net Core installed on the ...
user3167162's user avatar