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3 answers

Cloning Jira tickets at the end of a sprint - carrying over effort and points

I have been working with Jira within an Agile scrum like methodology for a while now. What happens quite often is a ticket is estimated and started on. By the end of the sprint 95% of the work is done....
Daniel's user avatar
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When should I update 'due date' in JIRA?

Me and my collegue were having a discussion about when assignee should update 'due date' of the task in JIRA. My point is, assinee should update 'due date' only after he starts working over it so that ...
Dave Ranjan's user avatar
8 votes
3 answers

How to model story preparation for issues which are tackled across several projects

In our company several teams will work on different components of several projects at the same time. For example, one team might make make specific kinds of software (or hardware) for some project(s), ...
sbi's user avatar
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7 answers

How to express what do do when error occurs in a user story?

How do you express what to do when error occurs in a user story? Should the response to what happen on errors be in a task of the original user story, or should I create another user story that is ...
Andy's user avatar
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1 answer

Changing story-point estimates after closing the story

In a running multi-year multi-team project there is a set of stories that have been fully estimated and closed, having fulfilled the definition of done. Time has progressed and possibilities in Jira ...
Spork's user avatar
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2 answers

How can I use JIRA for project management with Green Hopper

I am thinking of using JIRA + GreenHopper for my project management. I have seen that Green Hopper is for making User stories, sprints. I am not able to find how do i need to add tasks, or how to ...
user22's user avatar
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4 answers

How to write tasks in Jira when using Scrum?

I am going to start a new project using Scrum and Jira and I have some questions regarding how to write proper tasks in Jira. From what I understand user stories are small non-technical descriptions ...
Andy's user avatar
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