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Questions tagged [ajax]

AJAX (Asynchronous Javascript And XML) is a popular technique for creating interactive websites.

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2 votes
4 answers

JavaScript only validation on AJAX form submit

I've been mulling this question over for a few days in my head and I can't come to a solid answer. We understand that client side validation for forms is not enough, because you can easily turn ...
Adam McGurk's user avatar
55 votes
2 answers

When not to use Google Web Toolkit? [closed]

I'm considering use of GWT on a major in-house web app development project, namely it's major advantage in my eyes is the cross-compilation to Javascript which would (at least theoretically) help my ...
Jas's user avatar
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32 votes
5 answers

How do web servers enforce the same-origin policy?

I'm diving deeper into developing RESTful APIs and have so far worked with a few different frameworks to achieve this. Of course I've run into the same-origin policy, and now I'm wondering how web ...
rgb's user avatar
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20 votes
1 answer

Many asynchronous calls vs single call to the API

We are developing a REST API which among others is going to be consumed by an HTML5 frontend via javascript. The application is for use within the organization and usually has about 300 users, but we ...
mattinsalto's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

How can I design an efficient moderation system for comments?

Here's the job I want to do: My project is a website where there will be a lot of comments. Those comments will be moderated: a moderator will connect, see comments and accept or refuse them. I need ...
Olivier Pons's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

How to handle coding errors in my PHP AJAX code?

How do I handle coding errors in my PHP which has no GUI, only an API? I am concerned that I might never know that there are any. Note that only I will develop the client side. This is not a public ...
Mawg's user avatar
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1 vote
2 answers

Attempting to make a Cross Domain AJAX request to a Server I don't own

I'm aware that javascript programs running in a browser are bound to the same-origin policy which prevents them from requesting services from a server that is on a different domain. What I've gathered ...
Javacadabra's user avatar
-2 votes
1 answer

Is a JSON-based AJAX checkout safe?

For a mobile e-commerce site, that follows the client-server model, where all the views are json-ajax calls to return data from a secure service, is it safe to also pass the "checkout" process through ...
Dominic Tancredi's user avatar