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Questions tagged [bdd]

BDD stands for "Behavior-Driven Development," a software development style that encourages cooperation between developers and stakeholders through identifying and exploring different examples of how a system or smaller element of code might work from a user's perspective.

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For a refactoring tool, are I/O operations part of the core domain?

I'm working on a refactoring tool that makes necessary adjustments to a Rust project when moving a source file from one location to another. Quick Explanation In Rust, source files are known as "...
verified_tinker's user avatar
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Reusing simple BDD testing for more complex test scenarios

I am currently learning about BDD (Cucumber/Gherkin) in test automation. I am wondering about reusing simpler test scenarios or step definitions for more complex scenarios. Specifically, I am working ...
uhohitsjennaaa's user avatar
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Using BDD and DDD approaches, which seem to complement and contradict each other

I am trying to apply BDD and DDD together to a new project The problem I am having at the moment can be summed up by the following quote (taken from here: ...
w0051977's user avatar
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Testing Application Helper that Depends on Controller

I am working on practicing TDD/BDD/ATDD and I am working on a rails application. I created a helper method that depends conditionally on the type of controller being tested. module ApplicationHelper ...
Adam Thompson's user avatar