Questions tagged [builds]

The simplest type of build is a process that converts (source) code to a compiled binary file that can then be run. More complex builds can also run unit or integration tests and can use tools to generate reports about the quality of the code. Lastly, builds are often triggered automatically by Continuous Integration (CI) systems.

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1 answer

Understanding Package Management Systems

I am attempting to understand what a Package Management System. I grasp the main concept of it but I have some queries. Does a package management system install features(compilers, libraries, ...
nondescript's user avatar
24 votes
7 answers

how to stay efficient when a build is almost always broken

I work in a middle sized team which shares the same source code and while have a continues integration in place, but as all of us has to work in the same branch, the build is almost always broken. ...
user avatar
13 votes
1 answer

Responsibilities of Build Script and Build Server

I need some clarifications on the responsibilities of the Build Script and the Build Server. I read several articles on the Net about continuous integration and builds. Including The F5 Key Is Not a ...
Angelo.Hannes's user avatar
12 votes
5 answers

To integrate git versions as build numbers or not?

A colleague and I have been taking turns debating/discussing the issues/merits of integrating a version derived from the current git repository into our code whenever it builds. We think the merits ...
Travis Griggs's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Strategies for using a code metric evaluation tool

Should code quality metric evaluation tools like Sonar be integrated with IDE for running local analysis or should they be a part of the build process (like integrated with maven) for continuous ...
Geek's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

How to deal with undesired commits that break long-running release builds?

We ran into an unfortunate situation at work recently and I've been wondering what we can do to avoid similar problems in the future. We make embedded systems. The FPGA code is in one SVN repository ...
Velociraptors's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Is a "build" assembly? [closed]

In an old book I have, they say that "build" is either a process of converting source code into executable or the actual result - assembly. Is that correct? Is a build actually the assembly, I mean ...
John V's user avatar
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14 votes
4 answers

Patching open source software when upgrading is not an option?

I recently ran into a rather annoying (confirmed) bug in an open source software package that I have integrated into my application. According to the public issue tracker this bug has been resolved ...
maple_shaft's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

Delphi Build Server - Do I need to check in .dres files?

We're using final builder to build a Delphi project and the person managing the build server noticed that projects with no .dres files were not building because they're not in SVN and because they're ...
Peter Turner's user avatar
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4 votes
3 answers

How to maintain nearly identical internal/external programs without having separate codebase for each?

I have a program I'm working on that my company uses internally, but is also sent to vendors. The vendor version will be identical, except that it will be missing some features, and use an installer. ...
Brandon's user avatar
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4 votes
6 answers

What build tools do not depend on java (or Ruby)? [closed]

I'm wondering what generic build tools out there include their binary run-times and do not depend on another environment not shipped with them. For example, ANT requires Java, Rake requires Ruby, etc....
Meligy's user avatar
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2 votes
3 answers

Continous Delivery TFS

Is it possible to achieve Continuous Delivery using TFS e.g. Windows Service? There are > 1000 posts on how to use msdeploy with TFS for WEB projects. I am trying to understand why there are no ...
swapneel's user avatar
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7 votes
4 answers

Managing JS and CSS for a static HTML web application

I'm working on a smallish web application that uses a little bit of static HTML and relies on JavaScript to load the application data as JSON and dynamically create the web page elements from that. ...
Josh Kelley's user avatar
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96 votes
5 answers

Why are there no package management systems for C and C++? [closed]

There are some programming languages for which exist a package management system: CTAN for TeX CPAN for Perl Pip & Eggs for Python Maven for Java cabal for Haskell Gems for Ruby npm for NodeJS ...
m0nhawk's user avatar
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8 votes
3 answers

Best practices for versioning project after dependency upgrade

Say, my project have dependency N with version 1.0.0. Then something have changed, and I should depend on newer version - let it be 1.0.1. OK, I'm incrementing dependency version, nothing else ...
shabunc's user avatar
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5 votes
5 answers

What software models are appropriate for daily builds and continuous integration?

On reading the joel test and about daily builds, a discussion with a few tech-lead friends of mine in various companies revealed that they never did daily builds or continuous integration because ...
Nav's user avatar
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3 answers

How do I go from "here's the zip" to a good release strategy?

I can write code, resolve dependencies, and get my program to run on my computer; I have no idea where to go from here though. How do I get the software ready for distribution? The school ...
Buttons840's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Including local headers first

So I read up on the ordering of your includes, and this guy suggested you include your local header first so as to make sure it doesn't have prerequisites. Ok, I get that. I'm on board. The whole ...
Philip's user avatar
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3 votes
3 answers

Looking for an example of how a software project can be managed/deployed

My company is evaluating adopting off-the-shelf ALM products to aid in our development lifecycle; we currently use our own homegrown solutions to manage requirements gathering, specification ...
rguilbault's user avatar
6 votes
4 answers

Is a new build required everytime I make a change to the code?

I am working on a project that has around a hundred different files (.cpp & .h), and it requires around an hour to build the entire project on MSVC 2008, suppose that I now make a change to any ...
potato man's user avatar
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Dynamic Post-build event in Visual Studio

I am building a video server application that has multiple projects in Visual Studio. One project, the video server project, needs to call a shell script to generate documentation. This works fine ...
SSumner's user avatar
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1 answer

Conditional attribute in XML - most concise solution?

I am tasked with setting up conditional profiling - a method of tagging chunks of XML with an attribute, which will then be used as a conditional value to extract subset of that XML. Have a look at ...
Lech Rzedzicki's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Visual Studio build everytime JS and CSS changes?

I am relatively new to Visual Studio Development and I was wondering - it seems that everytime I make changes to my JS or CSS in my project - I have to "build" the project again. Is there any way to ...
Andy's user avatar
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Use of pdb file in release build executables

This question is appropriate only for programs created on the windows platform. If I build a release of my program with the /Zi option (create pdb file and store path to file in exe) then I don’t ...
user619818's user avatar
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15 votes
4 answers

Does it make sense to write build scripts in C++?

I'm using CMake to generate my projects IDE/makefiles, but I still need to call custom "scripts" to manipulate my compiled files or even generate code. In previous projects I've been using Python and ...
Klaim's user avatar
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147 votes
6 answers

How do you achieve a numeric versioning scheme with Git?

My organization is considering moving from SVN to Git. One argument against moving is as follows: How do we do versioning? We have an SDK distribution based on the NetBeans Platform. As the SVN ...
Erlend's user avatar
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12 votes
9 answers

Should developers be expected to compile an internal library before the actual program?

Recently a senior developer that I work with made a case for requiring that developers get the latest version and compile as part of their project a major internal library. This stands in contrast the ...
rjzii's user avatar
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24 votes
9 answers

Convince a lone developer to use a separate build tool instead of the IDE one-click build

In my years of programming Java and more recently Scala, I've never used Ant, Maven, Gradle or any of those build tools for Java. Everywhere I've worked there was a build manager who took care of all ...
Gigatron's user avatar
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13 votes
3 answers

What are good ways to organize input files (Makefiles, SConstruct, CMakeLists.txt, etc.) to build automation software?

One thing I like to do with my code is make sure that it's refactored into manageable pieces. However, when it comes to building the software, I find that whatever build automation software I end up ...
Geoff Oxberry's user avatar
7 votes
2 answers

Build Process for Web Application

I have a web application with lots of Javascipt and CSS code. I want to minify the CSS and JS code using something like UglifyJS. However, I don't want to program with the minified code and I want my ...
ale's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

What are build team responsibilities from developer point of view?

Lets assume that you are working for a corporation doing a lot of IT development. What do you think should be build team responsibilities that performs 'services' for developers? What do you expect ...
Robert.K's user avatar
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423 votes
12 answers

Should I intentionally break the build when a bug is found in production?

It seems reasonable to me that if a serious bug is found in production by end-users, a failing unit test should be added to cover that bug, thus intentionally breaking the build until the bug is fixed....
MattDavey's user avatar
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2 votes
3 answers

File system layout for multiple build targets

I am seeking some ideas for how to build and install software with some parameters. These including target OS, target platform CPU details, debugging variant, etc. Some parts of the install are shared,...
Yttrill's user avatar
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13 votes
2 answers

Should the deploy script be an artifact of the build?

This is a web project written in Java. So, I'm writing the build and the deploy scripts. To create the build, I used ant. The continuous build is done with Jenkins. The build generates 3 different ...
Gustavo Muenz's user avatar
15 votes
6 answers

What does "automated build" mean?

I'm trying to add Continuous Integration to a project. According to Wikipedia, one major piece of CI is automated builds. However, I'm confused about what, exactly, that means, as the CI and build ...
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1 vote
3 answers

Getting started with build tools [closed]

I am on my final year on CS, working on my first significant project, so I thought its about time to learn and use build tools. I have read about Maven mainly and heard about Ant. I would like to ...
latusaki's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

What should be included on an About page/form?

I was looking to add a simple form that states my project's build number on a form to quick identify what version I am running. Then I realized I'm not sure what fits on an about page. In my ...
James's user avatar
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14 votes
5 answers

Is Ant still in the "mainstream" for Java builds?

We have been slowly replacing batch command files (windows .bat) which were simply jarring up the classes compiled in the developers IDE, with more comprehensive Ant builds (i.e. get from CVS, clean ...
Sam Goldberg's user avatar
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10 votes
1 answer

Using a TFS Build Process Template (Workflow) for Deployment

I'm thinking of using TFS Build workflows for complex deployments. We have some that may need to deploy: Web applications and services Database SSRS Reports SSIS Packages Who knows what else I like ...
John Saunders's user avatar
10 votes
5 answers

Is it possible for two DLLs to conflict , preventing solution to build

Though I have a specific case, but I was wondering about the general situation. Can two DLLs, when added as Reference to a Visual C# project collide with each other to prevent the solution from ...
Shamim Hafiz - MSFT's user avatar
2 votes
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Can anyone recommend a toolchain-agnostic way of declaring and documenting inter-package build dependencies?

I currently have a project at my hand that I'll leave soon (PhD work) and should be left in an understandable form since it is likely to be taken up, though it is not known yet by whom and when. ...
thiton's user avatar
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4 answers

Is there a general rule for when you should use 'make clean' instead of just 'make'?

I am writing a multiple-filed program right now, and apparently running only 'make' (as one would intuitively think needs to be done in most situations) for some reason causes my program to fail. I ...
Dark Templar's user avatar
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13 votes
8 answers

Moving from one man project to team project in the future. What should I be doing now in preparation and what can wait?

To elaborate I am interested in knowing what people think you need to put in place while still a one man project (team source control, documentation, builds etc) and what things don't need to be done ...
Dan MacBean's user avatar
8 votes
4 answers

What are linkers and loaders? How do they work?

I am trying to understand things like linkers and loaders better. What area of computer science do they belong to? Compiler, Operating System, Computer Architecture? Where do linkers and loaders ...
Nishant's user avatar
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2 votes
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Which tool to use for creating application releases?

I'm wondering what others use as a tool for creating the final package to hand over to the customer. For now, these are the tasks it should perform for our company: build a set of VS projects (C#,C++)...
stijn's user avatar
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Store build server configuration in same repository as source code?

Some co-workers and myself are tasked with a "rewrite" of an ancient, unmaintainable application and to shape it into something workable. I am setting up a continuous integration server, and since we ...
whatsisname's user avatar
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6 votes
5 answers

Should the build drive your tags or should the tags drive the build?

Our current method of creating a product release is to tag all of our component repositories with the next appropriate version and then modify a master build script with these new version numbers for ...
Dave Nay's user avatar
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1-click software release

I am rewriting a vb6 installer into NSIS. One of my priorities is to compile-to-release in the least number of steps possible; ideally, a one click process, in which all needed files are included, ...
Peretz's user avatar
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3 answers

How do build time and unit test time compare?

Does this depend heavily on the type of project (e.g. scientific software vs banking system vs game)? If so, in which areas is the difference the highest and lowest? In your experience, is it safe to ...
suszterpatt's user avatar
5 votes
3 answers

Should deployment errors constitute a build failure?

Our software uses in-house written deployment software due to the complexity of the product. As part of our current QA (not dev) build process (using more in-house software) we compile the code, patch ...
DaveShaw's user avatar
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