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Questions tagged [builds]

The simplest type of build is a process that converts (source) code to a compiled binary file that can then be run. More complex builds can also run unit or integration tests and can use tools to generate reports about the quality of the code. Lastly, builds are often triggered automatically by Continuous Integration (CI) systems.

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Organizing related projects and dependencies for nuget publishing

I've been working on writing .NET bindings for Rollbar, an error and message reporting service, like Airbrake. My library is working nicely and is published in the NuGet gallery. So now I want to ...
mroach's user avatar
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Build pipeline, dependency on unreleased package

My team is currently making some changes to our solution structure. Before the change we basically had a single solution file with about 40 different projects. Most of these projects are libraries ...
Rik D's user avatar
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Continuous integration and modifying existing UI automation tests

Our team is currently facing a situation where we are changing a feature that is in the product today. This feature has Selenium automation tests associated with it. We are performing a fairly major ...
Robert Winslow Dalpe's user avatar
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How to deal with relative paths in out of source build?

An out of source build is a build which can be in any directory other than the source directory I have a project which contains relative paths to some resource files, needed at runtime, which are ...
user695652's user avatar
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Is there an industry standard term for a build which uses the production API, but is specifically for internal testing? [closed]

I'm working on clearing up our build processes of a PhoneGap app we're developing for iOS and Android, and I want to develop a concise naming scheme for our different build types. Here's what I'm ...
andrewb's user avatar
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How to avoid binary dependency on size change

class A { public: int i; }; // A.h and defined in project libA.vcxproj (libA.dll) I'm using class A in multiple places at various projects as below. Apporoximately 100 projects. include "A.h" class ...
user3136061's user avatar
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6 answers

Do Makefiles Matter?

I'm currently working on a small library as a hobby project. I am the only one who actively codes for it, but a few of my friends have expressed interest in participating in the future. When using ...
Maxpm's user avatar
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When to increment build number?

I'm reading a book which says: The third number, 719, indicates the build of the assembly. If your company builds its assembly every day, you should increment the build number each day as well. so ...
amjad's user avatar
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5 answers

Should automated unit tests be part of the build?

Should automated unit tests be a part of the build process, or should they be manually run when someone makes changes to the code instead? To me it seems like making it part of the build rather than ...
tjwrona's user avatar
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Should a large number of system tests be part of the build?

I believe extensive automated unit tests should be part of the build. However the testing pyramid suggests that there should be a much smaller number of system tests. Should an automatic build include ...
Gonen I's user avatar
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What advantages do daily builds provide specifically over continuous builds in practice?

I have seen this question and do not believe this to be a duplicate What software models are appropriate for daily builds and continuous integration? . I don't fully understand what advantage ...
user1821961's user avatar
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4 answers

building feature dependent version software

I have a program that is used by customers to do some computational work. And how long it takes always depends on how much data customer wants to compute. Some customers have a little data, some have ...
Dainius's user avatar
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1 answer

Which tool to use for creating application releases?

I'm wondering what others use as a tool for creating the final package to hand over to the customer. For now, these are the tasks it should perform for our company: build a set of VS projects (C#,C++)...
stijn's user avatar
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Visual Studio build everytime JS and CSS changes?

I am relatively new to Visual Studio Development and I was wondering - it seems that everytime I make changes to my JS or CSS in my project - I have to "build" the project again. Is there any way to ...
Andy's user avatar
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Best practice of c/C++ dependency management on build servers?

I develop largely in java which has maven or ant/ivy. Is there a recommended way to manage build dependencies for c++ projects? I'm setting up the build on our build server right now but the thing ...
simgineer's user avatar
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How to test a build tool?

For ease of use, I will use a build too to automate the various steps required to build my project on a new computer - like installing dependancies and so forth. Once I've got that all automated, how ...
Dingredient's user avatar
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Build number when supporting previous version

I am developing and maintaining a web-based application that's used internally at my job. I am the only developer and so I'm not really using branches; everything happens on the trunk. I do tag ...
Charles Wood's user avatar
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Must OpenCL code be compiled for a specific GPU?

Most OpenCL Tutorials give a nice introduction to OpenCL, yet I have not found information on the question of interoperability of the compilation targets. It seems that I have to compile OpenCL code ...
wirrbel's user avatar
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Continous Delivery TFS

Is it possible to achieve Continuous Delivery using TFS e.g. Windows Service? There are > 1000 posts on how to use msdeploy with TFS for WEB projects. I am trying to understand why there are no ...
swapneel's user avatar
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Single Build Command / Continuous Integration

I was reading the Continuous Integration by Martin Fowler article yesterday, the article is from 2006 but I think it is still very applicable today, the statement around a single command stuck in my ...
mhep's user avatar
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File system layout for multiple build targets

I am seeking some ideas for how to build and install software with some parameters. These including target OS, target platform CPU details, debugging variant, etc. Some parts of the install are shared,...
Yttrill's user avatar
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C library build system dependencies

This debate has cropped up on a mailing list for a project I'm involved in. Unfortunately we're quite a small bunch at the moment, so I want to ask a wider audience. We're writing a C library (for ...
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Any patterns for extracting tooling from multiple repositories?

I'm working on a project where an increasing number of small mini apps all share nearly the same tooling - makefiles, dockerfiles, jenkinsfiles and webpack configs, along with a couple of scripts, are ...
Dan Monego's user avatar
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Application build needs external "resources" to work: is this bad or... normal?

I was talking with some coworkers about the application build and we have some divergences about what each one consider a good practice or something to worry about. I learn that a good application ...
Dherik's user avatar
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Communicating warnings in CI context - Nodejs, Grunt, Slack

We have a fairly complex Gruntfile.js that performs numerous things to process a bunch of EPUBs. It's part of our CI process being run regularly on Jenkins. Sometimes we want to notify the person who ...
montrealist's user avatar
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How do you handle deployment configuration of your thick browser (html/javascript/css) clients?

Question For those of you working with html/javascript/css "thick clients", specifically those that work against some client-independent server API, how do you manage your deployment environment ...
Terence's user avatar
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Build status reporting on javascript project

I have a javascript project which uses Grunt and several plug-ins such as: jshint qunit requirejs optimizer Not all of the developers run the grunt tasks locally (e.g. jshint, qunit), so they might ...
Steve P's user avatar
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Can anyone recommend a toolchain-agnostic way of declaring and documenting inter-package build dependencies?

I currently have a project at my hand that I'll leave soon (PhD work) and should be left in an understandable form since it is likely to be taken up, though it is not known yet by whom and when. ...
thiton's user avatar
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How do you handle multiple projects that form the same product(s)?

I have limited experience when it comes to build and version control systems. I feel like I've run into a common problem but I'm having trouble uncovering how it is typically handled. Say you have ...
josec's user avatar
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How to separate a serialization code from application in a large c++ project

I'm working on a fairly large c++ project which uses boost's serialization. The issue that I have with the way it is currently organized is that serialization is weaved into the main source code on ...
Glinka's user avatar
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Would forcing developers to fix at 3 AM the build they broke undermine motivation? [closed]

Breaking the build is a bad thing. Different teams take different measures to encourage their members to avoid breaking the build at all costs. Some measures are moderate. For example Joel Spolsky ...
Arseni Mourzenko's user avatar
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Getting started with build tools [closed]

I am on my final year on CS, working on my first significant project, so I thought its about time to learn and use build tools. I have read about Maven mainly and heard about Ant. I would like to ...
latusaki's user avatar
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3 answers

Ms Build publishing vs Visual Studio IDE publishing

I am currently working on ms build to publish my winform application based on the environment selected (Dev or Prod). I am using Ms Build Community Task and referencing this article to achieve this ...
reggie's user avatar
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"Nightly" a good place for experimental features?

In my day job I work on a tightly controlled project with features and overall scope ultimately decided on by committee. Often the final features are the result of a single (or multiple) member's ...
user237251's user avatar
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How to make git automatically merge increased build numbers? [closed]

I like having build numbers, just because it is cool. Please don't judge me :D. However, I develop on two machines (one OS X and one Windows for portability checks). I have on both machines a script ...
Martijn Courteaux's user avatar
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Understanding Package Management Systems

I am attempting to understand what a Package Management System. I grasp the main concept of it but I have some queries. Does a package management system install features(compilers, libraries, ...
nondescript's user avatar
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What should be included on an About page/form?

I was looking to add a simple form that states my project's build number on a form to quick identify what version I am running. Then I realized I'm not sure what fits on an about page. In my ...
James's user avatar
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Practices to build test vs release versions of code?

I've written an application which reads a list of filenames and does stuff on those files. Dynamic allocation is not allowed and our language of choice is C. The app has an array to hold the ...
Raven's user avatar
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Are there valid reasons for modifying the code of an application between build and release?

In a question on stackoverflow the answer I received was basically "It happens if you replace a .dll file in an already built application". That seems very dirty to me. I understand the need for ...
R. Schmitz's user avatar
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How to share new features in a large multi module project [duplicate]

I have been working in large multi module projects over a period of time. One major issue I faced is, how to communicate to other teams of a new feature which they may be interested in. Consider this ...
Apurva Singh's user avatar
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Dynamic Post-build event in Visual Studio

I am building a video server application that has multiple projects in Visual Studio. One project, the video server project, needs to call a shell script to generate documentation. This works fine ...
SSumner's user avatar
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Build and Deployment Strategies In House Software

We are currently building applications that will run in house and not be rolled out to any customers. We are the only customer. We are using c# and the latest .Net platform. We are also using Team ...
Joe's user avatar
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Is it okay to build artifact specific to environment?

I'm building a web application project that in my view behaves differently in specific environments. I have dev, int, uat, prod environments. DEV is a local environment for developer and 'int' is the ...
TechCrunch's user avatar
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Speed up my delivery pipeline

I have a solution with many components with different deploy iter: WebAPI backend (on IIS) AngularJS frontend (on IIS) A process manager (as Windows service) A projection engine (as Windows service) ...
BAD_SEED's user avatar
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Should I use different Buildspec files for branch builds and deployment builds?

Very recently a discussion came up regarding the usage of different buildspec.yaml files, one for branch builds and the other for deployment builds and I was wondering, since after some research I ...
Pmsmm's user avatar
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Deploy a website via apt/yum to different environments without rebuilding for each?

I want to setup a continuous integration pipeline for the first time. I have a website that includes a config file that points to MySQL and Redis. I would like to build a package once and then deploy ...
notebox's user avatar
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Looking for good practices on managing branches and developers in Git [duplicate]

I a little while ago I joined a new development team and recently we had our first major release. We've used Git since the beginning of the project and by now are somewhat comfortable with it. However,...
DXM's user avatar
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5 answers

Does the Scrum Guide Specify How Often to Release QA/Test Builds?

See I've read through this several times and can't find anything about how often to do QA/Test builds during a sprint. There is a section called increment....
Christian Findlay's user avatar
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How to get developers to fix broken tests

In our company we have multiple test stages: unit and integration tests (CI build) application tests (all calls to other systems are mocked) system tests (interacting with other systems) all ...
Adrian Krebs's user avatar
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Why are unity builds faster given modern compilers?

Consider (using Visual C++ as an example): cl /EHsc a.cpp b.cpp c.cpp versus cat a.cpp b.cpp c.cpp > unity.cpp cl /EHsc unity.cpp Why is the first variant slower given a modern compiler? I've ...
Ansis Māliņš's user avatar