Questions tagged [component]

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60 votes
3 answers

Name of a program's startup/initial loading window?

I am writing user documentation (an SOP) that involves third party programs that I am trying to describe well. One such program is a server that offers little indication of it's startup besides a ...
rtmh's user avatar
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30 votes
1 answer

What is the difference between web components and custom elements?

"Web Components" and "Custom elements" are often mixed up, and web searches for the title of this question don't yet produce much clarity. Let's fix that.
Dan Dascalescu's user avatar
9 votes
1 answer

Conditional CSS based on external modifier class - good practice?

Introduction / background: CSS components For a relatively large website we are working with SASS, and trying to manage CSS in components. The basic idea of components is that a component should look ...
donquixote's user avatar
7 votes
2 answers

What is Component Oriented Programming, and how is it different from OOP? [closed]

What exactly is Component Oriented Programming, and how is it different from Object Oriented Programming? Thanks
user3150201's user avatar
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7 votes
1 answer

Private interfaces within a package

This is basically the same as Coding to interfaces, but played out in the real world of com when there are various engineering complexities such as immutability of published interfaces and ...
rwong's user avatar
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6 votes
1 answer

Designing module interfaces

I'm studying software engineering and one thing I'm really trying to improve is my skill in software architecture. My question is quite broad, so I'll try to explain it with an example. Suppose you ...
Yogu's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

How do you decide to group components in software architectures? [closed]

I am aware that this might be a question with only subjective responses, but i keep coming back to this thought. When you are designing a software's architecture, do you group components by their kind ...
Furious Gamer's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

When is a "port" used in UML component diagram?

I currently stumbled over the the concept of "ports" in UML component diagrams and I'm not entirely sure how they are supposed to be used. Sometimes, ports seem to be used generally as start ...
TiMauzi's user avatar
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4 votes
3 answers

Using GPLv3 software in a open source project licensed BSD (3-Clause)

Preamble If I say "BSD" I mean the 3-Clause BSD license If I say "GPL" I mean the GPLv3 license I am not the author of the GPL project I am the author of the BSD project Simple Task I want to use a ...
DerDu's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

OOP - Composition, Components and Composites Example?

I've been reading a bit about OOP in relation to Composition, Components and Composites. I believe I understand the fundamental principle (not sure). Can someone please provide a code example of a ...
coder3's user avatar
  • 161
4 votes
3 answers

Can you/should you develop components for ASP.NET MVC?

Following from the previous question I've started to wonder - is it possible to implement "Components" in ASP.NET MVC (latest version)? And should you? Let's clarify what I mean with a "component". ...
Vilx-'s user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Cross-cutting concerns and library sharing in Microservice architecture

I've been thinking about practicing with a simple Microservice (oxymoron I guess) application and I found an issue I was not able to resolve. I'll go with a concrete example since the definition of ...
Vlad Stryapko's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

VueJs - composing components for large scale projects

I started getting into VueJs and Vuex development and I'm looking for a "mainstream" architecture for large scale projects. I think the question doesn't depend on whether you take a ready to use UI ...
Question3r's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

How to improve this class diagram of a system with its components

So I was given a task of making a class diagram for a bicycle. I know what a class diagram is and the concepts behind one. The requirement is that the bike can brake, turn or speed up. Now to me, a ...
Lee Merlas's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

ORM and component-based architecture

I have joined an ongoing project, where the team calls their architecture "component-based". The lowest level is one big database. The data access (via ORM) and business layers are combined in various ...
EagleBeak's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

How does one combine the state pattern and the component pattern?

Suppose we have a class Player with classes PhysicsComponent, InputComponent and StandingState, DuckingState. The class Player itself does not have an input function, the InputComponent does. But ...
Post Self's user avatar
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3 votes
3 answers

Good approaches for sharing reusable components between teammates

Question: Talking about software development, how to provide good approaches to achieve a repository of reusable components inside a project? Context: Working on a team of 10 coworkers may be very ...
richardaum's user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

What is the difference between a function and a component?

I just listened to Software engineering Radio podcast on components. Their description of components were very vague, they made them sound like lower level versions of functions. I am trying to figure ...
chopper draw lion4's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Where to put domain classes in a component structure and diagram?

I've got a microservice called ExamResults, with a very simple component structure: ExamResults (offers: IExamResults) (requires: IExamResultsDAO) ExamResultsDAO (offers: IExamResultsDAO) This ...
KeizerHarm's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Data Access Layer with Asynchronous services like MQ

I am tasked with creating a development, design and architecture guide for a large multi-year project. I have to dictate best design practices for a number of architectural perspectives. See the ...
maple_shaft's user avatar
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3 votes
3 answers

Avoiding polling with components

Once you create separate components that need to communicate with each other you enter the realm of systems programming where you have to assume that errors could originate at any step in the process. ...
Mario T. Lanza's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

How to depict the relationship between a Back-End and a DB in a component diagram?

I don't think I completely understand what a component diagram should show. Let's say I have a 3-tier web application for a homestay booking system, similar to airbnb. The 3 main components are clear: ...
antonro's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

How to show relationships of the component containing the interface definition when using ball/socket notation in a UML Component Diagram?

I recently found out that I have probably been using ball/socket notation in a wrong way all the time. Now I am confused by the different ways of drawing interface relationships in two regards (I ...
Phil's user avatar
  • 51
2 votes
1 answer

Do I really need to build a class diagram AND a component diagram? [closed]

I'm modeling a system while improving my knowledge of software engineering. I am building a class diagram and a component diagram, but notice that when I tweak one, I have to alter the other. Also, I ...
Eliaquim Tchitalacumbi's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Where does the burden of responsibility and support from shared components/services lie?

This is an issue that has somewhat been raised by the left-pad incident with NPM but I'm also interested in it from an internal business perspective. For example imagine an organisation with 3 teams, ...
Joe Hart's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Separating components by "type"?

We have just started to work with React and some of my team mates proposed to split the components in 3 types (each one in its specific folder): components: reusable components like buttons, inputs ...
Fez Vrasta's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Delegating work and programming to component interfaces

I have a MessageHandler class which receives and validates messages before determining which components in the architecture they should be delegated to so they can be processed. This involves calling ...
ksl's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Managing compatibility and dependencies in code library

I manage a library that is made of multiple components, there is some dependencies between some of these components, for example I have a core library for common code base that is referenced by other ...
Sisyphus's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Modeling "nested" interfaces in UML

I am modeling a system that exposes a number of "plugins" (not known at modeling time) through a web API. I have a number of "system" plugins that permit to interact with the system, something like "...
Corrado's user avatar
  • 29
1 vote
4 answers

Little value in unit-testing the database component

Having a component that represents the database is wonderful! You can use it from the business logic to read and write data. But should that component be unit-tested? I would argue that it should ...
Lefteris Eleftheriades's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Can the port of a UML component only be a singleton?

I am working on a software assignment where the design is component based. The components have ports which provide interfaces. My professor argues that the Port class which is exposed by each ...
patrick246's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

DDD aggregate and component structure [closed]

What do you consider that is there relationship between DDD aggregate and architectural component? I think that it is quite reasoned that services, which are related to specific aggregate, defined a ...
Toni's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

UML Component diagram: Dangling interfaces or connecting two

I'm a novice in UML component diagrams. How would I draw the following situation? I have an << item >> called "DataAquisition". This item consists of a << unit >> ...
Max's user avatar
  • 111
1 vote
2 answers

Instance of component inside a (non-instance) component. Does it make sense?

A colleague of mine did this UML component diagram to represent both the required/provided interfaces and the internal structure of the subsystems that compose the system we're working on: (The ...
cidra's user avatar
  • 331
1 vote
2 answers

How to show UML component load/discovery and realization relationships

In a UML component diagram I want to show two components (among others). One is the core component that loads contents (classes) from the other. It's much like a testframework loading unit tests/test ...
Phil's user avatar
  • 51
1 vote
2 answers

Reusable component with web service

I am trying to create a reusable component / Cocoa Touch Framework in Swift that would display the current weather based on the user’s location. Right now I cannot decide which approach should I take....
SleepNot's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

Styling shareable React component?

I've been looking for a good way to style a react component just using css stylesheets. I would have used style-loader, because it's as easy as require('./style.css') and allows to save the final ...
guitarino's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

Is nesting component properties maintainable in the long run?

I'm building components in Vue.js. They look like this: <template> <form :schema="form.schema" :options="form.options"></form> </template> <script> export default { ...
alex's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

Component based architectures in JS / PHP: what indicators suggest that a UI element ought to be written as an importable component?

N.B. Several months after initially asking this question (and not coming up with any satisfactory answers) I am now learning to use HTML Custom Elements / WebComponents. It seems the same question ...
Rounin's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

Server side rendering of third party updated html components

Say I am wanting to include a third party HTML component in my site... I know that I can simply include a <script> tag to pull in the component on the client's side; however because I do not ...
physicsboy's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

How to represent a specific type of interface dependency in component diagram?

I'm currently having a hard time with creating a component diagram that should represent a certain type of component/interface dependency and hope that you can give me some hints. As background, I ...
LtSchnitzel's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Resolving Higher/Lower level component dependency

I have a .NET application (actually this can be a problem for any N-Tiered application) which has 3 separate components. ClassLibrary Has Cross Cutting Concerns like logging, authentication and IoC ...
Teoman shipahi's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Alternatives to inheritance for components with different behaviours?

I have been learning a lot of inheritance in C#. But am wondering if there are other ways that can be cleaner for component based setups. I have objects that are all pretty much the same but they ...
WDUK's user avatar
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How should subsytem in different locations interact and communicate?

Apologies for the long post... Where I work we have a system with many subsystems which are located in different locations. All the subsystems process some data and write the result on A database. In ...
mrz's user avatar
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0 answers

Render GUI from React component functions

I'm not sure if this is the right way to build React components. I have a component with several buttons that call different functions in the component. In some of the functions I need to display ...
Mr Zach's user avatar
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1 answer

How should I structure React Redux components when requesting Data From an API?

I have a search box I'm going to use on different pages (I use the term 'page' loosely here). The search box puts its value (the search string) into the Redux state. The results are populated from an ...
Stu Pegg's user avatar
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0 answers

When to use trait components, objects, package objects in Scala

When I am adding dependencies in Scala, I tend to use mixin trait components for those that are inherit to the class itself. For example, DaoGenerator extends Generator However, for trait components ...
user1555300's user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

MVP: Multiple Page-Controllers for a page?

I'm refactoring a big-scale ASP.NET application written with WebForms which has a very unflexible design of view+code-behind. For this refactor, I'm using MVP Architecture (Model-View-Presenter), ...
David Jiménez Martínez's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Difference between package and component?

I commonly come across the terms "package" and "component" in software engineering. To my understanding, both indicates an independent software that can be used by another (larger) software. What ...
Nasif Imtiaz Ohi's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Is testing UI components considered to be unit testing? [closed]

My UI components are tightly coupled with my UI framework (i.e. Vue + Vuetify). The framework provides some testing utilities that allow you to fake the rendering of these components without the need ...
geeko's user avatar
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