Questions tagged [compression]

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4 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Direction-free optimal encoding

Consider an alphabet of k symbols and a requirement to optimally encode a series of values of known frequency. The obvious choice for this is to use Huffman coding, which is known to be optimal for ...
Periata Breatta's user avatar
1 vote
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What is this compression algorithm? (Similar to RLE)

In Run Length Encoding (RLE), a large set of information is encoded by storing the quantity of consecutive sequences. A canonical example is: ...
Matt Johnson-Pint's user avatar
1 vote
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Calculating uncompressed file size without uncompressing file in zlib

I am writing a python program which parses zip (currently only zlib, using DEFLATE compression) files and verifies the correctness of their headers and data. One of the things I'm trying to achieve is ...
S B's user avatar
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compression techniques for true random permutation of given integer N

Is it possible to compress true random permutation using low order polynomial interpolation? If yes, how it can be achieved?
user9340043's user avatar