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4 votes
3 answers

Does Defect density measure QA or DEV effectiveness?

Most Defect density metrics are like this: Number of bugs / Size (KLOC, Story Points, Function points..) I have read that it measures the effectiveness of QA but I do not get it: I can have a ...
John V's user avatar
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7 answers

Why do we need both Priority and Severity?

I understand what they determine but is it really useful to assign those to issues found? I mean, it is either required to fixed quickly or not. I know how to set them, categorize them etc. I know ...
Pietross's user avatar
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3 answers

Is a logical error always caused by the line of code for the earliest program state which is wrong? [closed]

A logical error, contrary to a fatal runtime error, is a run time error which doesn't fatally terminate a program, but does something not intended. Is a logical error necessarily caused by the line ...
Tim's user avatar
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17 answers

Is it reasonable to insist on reproducing every defect before diagnosing and fixing it?

I work for a software product company. We have large enterprise customers who implement our product and we provide support to them. For example, if there is a defect, we provide patches, etc. In other ...
amphibient's user avatar
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How can QA prevent defects?

Also according to Software Testing By Srinisvasan Desikan, Gopalaswamy Ramesh or ISTQB text books. Quality assurance is e.g. reviewing products, inspections, walkthroughs to see if all standards are ...
John V's user avatar
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Severity and relation to occurence - priority?

I have been browsing through some webpages related to testing and found one dealing with the metrics of testing. It says: The severity level of a defect indicates the potential business impact ...
John V's user avatar
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6 votes
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Managing UAT / Defect and Bug raising

I'm looking for assistance in figuring out the best approach to managing User Acceptance Testing (UAT) and how users raise defects/bugs - I've been in the situation before of having to deal with a ...
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