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Questions tagged [distributed-computing]

Distributed computing refers to architectures where software components of a same system run on several processes distributed across a network of computers and somehow coordinated.

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0 votes
1 answer

How to rebalance data across nodes?

I am implementing a message queue where messages are distributed across nodes in a cluster. The goal is to design a system to be able to auto-scale without needing to keep a global map of each message ...
poundifdef's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Generating unique number in distributed environment

I have little app that i plan to run behind load balancer, with up to 5-8 instances. Inside the app has service, that needs to generate unique number that has up to 10 digits ( so 1-10 digits) each ...
Darlyn's user avatar
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-1 votes
3 answers

Avoid race condition using RDBMS transaction

I am working on design of a distributed system which will process some events. For simplicity lets say, multiple instance of same service will be consuming from same queue, every message will have a ...
Siddhartha Sadhukhan's user avatar
3 votes
4 answers

Giving multiple components access to a single database

This is in context of a distributed computing. There is a Service A which owns a database and hosts APIs for updating an entities in this database. As time went by, the service has evolved and we are ...
Sanath Kumar's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Long-running compute-intensive tasks in APIs: background workers?

I'm working on a design for an HTTP based API that takes in requests to perform a long-running task that requires CPU and RAM intensive processing. To give an impression of the compute requirements, ...
Korijn's user avatar
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1 answer

What are the approaches for joining data in distributed processing

Let's suppose I have a processing workflow of: Where: The workflow can have many instances running at the same time. A1 -> B1, C1 -> D1 A2 -> B2, C2 -> D2 and so on... Each node is an ...
August's user avatar
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1 answer

How to load consistent test data into multiple applications (which communicate by message streams)?

I have a system landscape consisting of multiple applications. Each application provides REST interfaces to communicate with the outside world. Each application has its own data storage (some kind of ...
Harold L. Brown's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

Pinning Stateful Tasks in Stateless microservice cluster

We have a microservice whose multiple instances are running for High Availablity and Scaling. But although we have multipe stateless microservice there are some tasks which needs to be singleton. For ...
Tuhin Dey's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Large file uploading in chunks

How to upload large(mb/gb) of video files from client to app server? The solution as of now I know is pretty simple and widely used is to break file in chunks at at client side and send http post ...
stkUser's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Is sequential consistency equivalent to performing memory accesses by a processes in program order and performing each memory access atomically?

In Fundamentals of Parallel Multicore Architecture, by Yan Solihin, p304 defines sequential consistency memory model: Overall, we can express programmers’ implicit expectation of memory access ...
Tim's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

Do coherence and transactional isolation mean the same?

About coherence vs consistency, says Coherence deals with maintaining a global order in which writes to a single location or single variable are seen ...
Tim's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Database consistency for a distributed system

I'm working on a phone call monitoring project. The aim is to have one row in the calls table for each ongoing call. Each call instance may be updated by many different servers/threads as more ...
widavies's user avatar
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6 votes
3 answers

How can adding redunancy adversely affect performance

I have been reading about system design and was going through this popular article - A Word on Scalability The author here says: An always-on service is said to be scalable if adding resources to ...
sarincasm's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

Ordering of analytical events

My team is working on an analytics system for the web app. The web app has a service-oriented architecture, and all events are gathered in one centralized analytics service. The system is sending ...
Toshakins's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Manager node makes HTTP request to self?

I am working on a distributed application that uses the Manager Worker pattern. The application's manager node submits work to worker nodes through a WorkerNode object (allowing WorkerNode to be ...
Stephen Collins's user avatar
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Implementing the microservice pattern

We are developing a system that runs a certain kind of simulation for our customers: Every simulation runs on it's own server. We typically have a two digit number of simulations running. A client ...
Q-bertsuit's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Multiple sources of truth - Optimistic concurrency & Eventual consistency

I have a couple of web applications that write to their own databases. They also share a few entities, for example, the customer entity. My business case is such that the same field for the same ...
mantadt's user avatar
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2 answers

Cancelling a background service from another microservice in load balanced environment

I have 2 microservices [A], and [B]. These microservices run in a load balanced environment and there may be N instances if each microservice running. The microservices communicate via a message ...
gbro3n's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

How do atomic updates work at scale?

I am working on a weird ID system where I generate all the IDs in advance and need to atomically pop() one from the database, so no ID is read twice at the same time (and so used more than once). This ...
HareSurf's user avatar
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1 answer

what is the difference between "distributed data processing" and "distributed computing"?

While going through learning hadoop and spark, I came across "distributed data processing" and "distributed computing". Could you let me know if they both are same or referring to different concepts?
Kalyan Kumar's user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

How to prevent concurrency problems when using the repository pattern?

Considering that: when using the repository pattern you deal with entities - those are the atomic units you persist (regardless of Hibernate or "manually") when changing an entity you save it as a ...
Luís Soares's user avatar
-4 votes
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What difference and relation are between fault tolerance and (high) availability?

From Coulouris' Distributed Systems 5ed Chapter 18 Replication 18.1 Introduction Increased availability: Users require services to be highly available. That is, the proportion ...
Tim's user avatar
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Effective data/rows queuing out of database

A component in a system (called Notifier) inserts hundreds of messages ~300 (SMSs) per second in a table in MSSQL database with PENDING status by flagging a column called status with int value 0. ...
Ahmed Negm's user avatar
-3 votes
2 answers

What is the difference between masking and tolerating failures?

Distributed Systems 5ed by Coulouris says on p21-22 1.5.5 Failure handling Detecting failures: Some failures can be detected. For example, checksums can be used to detect corrupted data in a ...
Tim's user avatar
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In the distributed computing problem known as the "Byzantine fault", what differences and relations are between commander, lieutenant, and general? [closed]

Distributed systems by Coulouris says The Byzantine generals problem • In the informal statement of the Byzantine generals problem [Lamport et al. 1982], three or more generals are to agree to ...
Tim's user avatar
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1 answer

Does the producer-consumer problem appear in both shared memory and distributed memory architectures?

I saw some books on operating system concepts mention the producer-consumer problem in the context of synchronizing concurrent accesses to shared resources. All seem to be in shared memory ...
Tim's user avatar
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Do persistent/transient communication and temporal decoupling/coupling mean the same?

In Distributed Systems by Tanenbaum, p67 says CHAPTER 2. ARCHITECTURES 2.1. ARCHITECTURAL STYLES Cabri et al. [2000] provide a taxonomy of coordination models that can be applied ...
Tim's user avatar
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1 answer

How to understand two-tier and three-tier solutions for web applications?

From Distributed Systems by Coulouris: Tiered architectures are complementary to layering. Whereas layering deals with the vertical organization of services into layers of abstraction, tiering ...
Tim's user avatar
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3 answers

Is shared disk architecture scaling up or scaling out?

In Design Data Intensive Applications, If all you need is to scale to higher load, the simplest approach is to buy a more powerful machine (sometimes called vertical scaling or scaling up). ...
Tim's user avatar
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1 answer

Designing frontend experience to support backend async CQRS operations

I'm developing a microservice with CQRS and Event Sourcing. When an event is saved to the event store, the service currently also saves the updated aggregate root as a JSON object in a separate table. ...
Mike Hawkins's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Develop a distributed pointer in C++

I s it possible to develop a distributed memory pointer in C++ by using operator overload? The idea would be that you pass ip address and port to the overloaded pointer *, &, and the pointer ...
hacker emzeze's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Consistency and Availability in distributed hashing Key value store

During the last semester of my college, we were asked to read the (chord paper) and implement it without fault tolerance. We built it with the following feature: A new node can join. A client can ...
Debashish's user avatar
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0 answers

Distributing tasks to several clients

I describe a very very simple scenario. I try to develop a system where many machines can help another one (server). I tried RabbitMQ and Redis, but both don't fulfil all requirements. I have 1-...
Daniel Stephens's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Using distributed locks in microservice environment

I'm developing distributed system and trying to use best practices of microservice architecture. I was faced with a situation when I think I need something like distributed locks. Since I have not so ...
Alexander Bikkuzhin's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

How do decentralised systems deal with all nodes being killed

In relation to DHT's (distributed hash tables), how do decentralised systems deal with all nodes disconnecting and thus having its routing meta data invalidated? i.e with the implementation of DHT's ...
Kieran Devlin's user avatar
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Is the concept of Rx debounce possible in a distributed environment?

The issue I am building a server-side system that handles streams of time-series events from multiple users and I'd like to perform an action after a certain quiet period has elapsed in the event ...
noamt's user avatar
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1 answer

Would this system be considered decentralized or distributed?

I am currently working on a report regarding a matrix multiplication distribution system I have been working on. But after reading a lot of somewhat contradictory sources online I have become in doubt ...
Bach Elor's user avatar
1 vote
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How to design a high-scale, reliable, distributed and periodic task (cronjob) execution service?

Assume you are tasked with implementing a "cronjob as a service" where you are supposed to be able to run potentially millions of periodical tasks (to simplify, making HTTP requests to URLs) with ...
ahmet alp balkan's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

DynamoDB - Event Store on AWS

I'm designing an Event Store on AWS and I chose DynamoDB because it seemed the best option. My design seems to be quite good, but I'm facing some issues that I can't solve. The Design Events Events ...
Christian Paesante's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Distribute jobs evenly among a set of servers

I have the need to distribute a set of long running jobs across a cluster of containers in ECS. These jobs essentially would need to open a socket connection with a remote server and begin streaming ...
remarkpk's user avatar
-2 votes
1 answer

How to serve the front-end in a Spring microservice architecture?

I want to create the following distributed system: Spring back-end microservices containing the domain logic, a UAA (authentication) service, a Eureka service registry/discovery, a Spring Cloud Config ...
Boyan Kushlev's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Architecting a distributed file processing system with leadership election

I'm in the planning phases of trying to build a distributed file processing system in Java and I'm looking for feedback and advice: Problem : There are a large number of files continuously posted on ...
user8811409's user avatar
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Byzantine Failures - Client Voter and Replica on Same Processor

I need help understanding the following text from section 4.2 on this paper: Implementing Fault-Tolerant Services Using the State Machine Approach: A Tutorial Dependent-Failures Output ...
KJP's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

How can we keep sight of business flows in event driven architectures?

I am planning to set up an event driven architecture using Spring Boot apps that publish and read messages from a Kafka broker. Let's suppose it were an e-commerce application with the usual events (...
codependent's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Is the actor model suited for an application dealing with elapsed time?

I need to create a distributed application with timers / periodically checking two timestamps for elapsed time. Is it possible to achieve following behaviour with the actor model: Spawn Child actor ...
Towen's user avatar
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Testing an algorithm for safety in mutual exclusion

I am attempting to write a code to test Lamport's Mutual Exclusion algorithm for safety as a correctness measure. I am running the alogrithm on a single core cpu machine with multiple processes ...
Varun Hegde's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Distributed training of many small ML models

I have a data science application that involves training tens of thousands of small individual Gaussian models. By "small", I mean that any individual model can easily be trained on one of our worker ...
andrew's user avatar
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2 answers

How to avoid clashes in distributed computing when polling for work to do?

A big data job is split up into X partitions. The partitions are stored in a database. Status on each partition is also stored in the database and is used to ensure that each partition is only ...
Kelvin Wayne's user avatar
-3 votes
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How to deal with errors in a distributed system

In my experience, most errors in an application are bugs: Syntax Error Range Error (number out of bounds) Reference Error (undefined variable used) Type Error Custom Assertions These should be ...
HareSurf's user avatar
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Docker and GPU-based computations. Feasible? [closed]

Recently I ran against this question and this Nvidia-docker project, which is an Nvidia Docker implementation and it made me wondering where, why and how this scheme makes sense? I found out some ...
Suncatcher's user avatar