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Questions tagged [domain-name-system]

The Domain Name System (or DNS) is the distributed system for which domain names are allocated and resolved.

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5 answers

Why does today's companies follow old RFC's?

Let me start by saying that of course conventions are important, there should be a rule of thumb for some cases that is representing the best action to follow by, in order to prevent mistakes and make ...
moti shaku's user avatar
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Are there still reasons to use DNS for load balancing?

I wanted to learn more about DNS, and I happened to have a copy of Computer Networking: A Top-Down Approach 4th Edition lying around. Section 2.5.1 (page 132) suggests using DNS as a load balancer: ...
Torisuda's user avatar
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3 answers

Term for "IP address or DNS name" [closed]

We have a column in a database table that can hold either an IP address or a DNS name, and we're struggling to name it without leaning one way or another. Is there a "standard" term that means "IP ...
PMah's user avatar
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5 answers

The reason for top-level domains (TLDs)

I always have just taken for granted that TLDs exist and are necessary to think about when you buy a domain name. But I'm wondering why they need to exist in the first place. I don't see why you ...
HareSurf's user avatar
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How do you integrate microservices that are distributed across domains and platforms?

Modern webapps have multiple microservices that may be on multiple domains (e.g. subdomains) and providers (e.g. both AWS and Google Cloud; or Google Container Engine Google App Engine within the ...
Joshua Fox's user avatar
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Does DNS reply with more information than just IP address?

So I tried to access certain website using its server IP address and usually it does not go through. Let's assume IP masquerade technique is not being used such as NAT or reverse proxy. This makes me ...
td16's user avatar
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How to setup "multiple-website" website with domains?

Background: I run a two-sided platform with small businesses on one side, and users on another. As a part of our product I plan to introduce "websites" as part of the product. Idea is: a local ...
Lars Holdgaard's user avatar
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DNS-SD implementation

I am trying to implement DNS-SD, and I understand how it works, but don't really understand the purpose, so I have a few questions about it. Let us assume that we have two devices on local network, ...
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Personal pages domains architecture

We're looking to add personal pages generator for our users, which is simple enough while all of them are on our domain. We also want to enable them to purchase their own domains through us, and serve ...
MeLight's user avatar
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6 answers

How to validate a given domain is owned by the user?

I'm writing a software which will be used mostly by companies. I then had the idea to give companies a way to register their email domain so that every user which registers with an email of the given ...
Fez Vrasta's user avatar
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2 answers

Domain Name Lookup

I'm trying to automate the process of sending many domain name lookup requests. I tried to do this by sending for example http request to domain registry site like, but I notice they block ...
user836026's user avatar
8 votes
5 answers

Domain Lookup API

I am looking to incorporate a domain name lookup facility in my website to make sure if a domain is available or not. The only api I could find on the net is
Imran Omar Bukhsh's user avatar
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3 answers

Is a .com domain name worth it for a mobile app? [closed]

I'm starting to develop a mobile app, and have a first choice name I'd like to use. However the .com domain of the name has already been taken. Is it actually worth it buying it, or would you tempted ...
Jon Cox's user avatar
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