Questions tagged [eclipse]

Eclipse is a popular IDE for Java, C and other languages. Note that questions that deal with the use and toolchain for Eclipse typically belong on Stack Overflow.

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0 answers

Is separating a Spring Boot REST API into interface and implementation a good practice?

I "herited" a lot of Spring Boot code which is basically an asortment of REST Webservices. All those webservices are separated into an interface and an implementation and I find it hard get a grasp of ...
Marged's user avatar
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-1 votes
1 answer

How, in eclipse do I work with an existing maven project in GitHub without ending up checking my .project file?

I have a maven project in GitHub that I wish to work with using eclipse. I want to keep the GitHub repository clear of any eclipse project artifacts such as the .project file. Is there a way to do ...
user1172468's user avatar
-1 votes
2 answers

Is it good practice to add comments above generated fields?

Every time I let Eclipse generate a field (most often a serial version UID), it adds a comment above it. Example: /** * */ private static final long serialVersionUID = 6347144762354188381L; This ...
JohnEye's user avatar
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10 votes
7 answers

Why is cyclomatic complexity that important for a single method?

I am using SonarLint for Eclipse since recently, and it helped me a lot. However, it raised to me a question about cyclomatic complexity. SonarLint considers as acceptable a C.C of 10, and there are ...
Yassine Badache's user avatar
4 votes
3 answers

IDE Signatures & Identifying IDE Software

I'm trying to decide whether to change IDEs as I've read promising things about both NetBeans and IntelliJ, but I have two interrelated (perhaps dumb) questions: Is there any difference in the final ...
Casey B.'s user avatar
-3 votes
2 answers

How to use Python to start up multiple programs simultaneously?

I am attempting to write a python script that with remove some of the tedium of my everyday actions. Specifically, I always need to run Eclipse, Java VisualVM, and a docker container. I had planned ...
Steven C. Eisemann's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Create jar of a java application where entry point is an external program

I have a java plugin written for a software called icy. Since the entry point of program is when the plugin is activated from the software, I am having trouble about how to mention that in ...
Sudip Bhandari's user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

How to Structure Simple C++ projects for TDD

I am introducing Google Test into our development environment at work, and would like to encourage a TDD mindset, making this as accessible as possible for new developers to start using. I am looking ...
C Mars's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

Why is Eclipse platform dependent?

When Eclipse is written in Java and Java is platform independent, why does Eclipse offer different versions according to platforms? I assume it should be write once, use anywhere code.
Mohit Kanwar's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Eclipse plugins - safe to install? [closed]

I've seen a few useful plugins for Eclipse such as jshint-eclipse. However, I'm a bit leery of installing third-party code. Is it generally safe to install Eclipse plugins without worrying about my ...
patstuart's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

Git structure for java project

I know there are multiple posts on similar problems, so please be kind with me. I am asking for suggestions I have not thought of and for good advice. I have a java "project" that is structured in a ...
Christian Wolf's user avatar
19 votes
1 answer

Java application structure: Horizontal vs vertical split

Having a bit of a debate about the starting project structure (using Maven/Eclipse) for a big Java application. Option 1: entities (i.e. the whole database using Hibernate classes-first) services (i....
Steve Chambers's user avatar
8 votes
1 answer

Why does the new ADT create a static inner class Fragment by default?

Honestly, I can't help but feel that this is done merely to confuse newcomers. Most of the errors on Stack Overflow by complete Android newbies mostly stem from that they have a static inner class ...
Zhuinden's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

Can JSP Expression Language provide type safety like scriptlets in Eclipse IDE?

Almost everywhere you can read that you should use EL instead of scriptles in JSP. And I agree that you should not use any JAVA code in JSP except for calling getter methods on model objects. This is ...
Kacper86's user avatar
  • 527
0 votes
2 answers

.properties files in regular src folder okay? [closed]

I work on a Java project with a suggested structure (separate src folders for java files and resource files). After moving the message / text related properties files to that folder, the externalize ...
Signature's user avatar
2 votes
5 answers

Improving the Java development workflow [closed]

I will like to assist my group standardize to a reproducable Java tooling environment that aligns with some good practices to improve on our workflow. We are predominantly a .NET shop that has been ...
e28Makaveli's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Why delete method/field/function refactoring doesn't exist in Eclipse?

An operation in an interface is obsolete so I decided to delete it. It seems that there is no automatic support for such a "refactoring" in Eclipse. For me is a refactoring operation since the ...
raisercostin's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Reason for a reflection error

I’m working on an Eclipse plug-in project. Using this plug-in, users can create Eclipse Java projects with some specificities. For example, they can add Java classes’ names which will be saved in a ...
ali's user avatar
  • 31
1 vote
1 answer

How/Where do I give my github commit a version?

I 'm just learning to give project versions. I understand writing details about the changes in my project when committing, but where should I put my version number for my project?
Louis Hong's user avatar
9 votes
4 answers

What's meant by, "TODO Auto-generated method stub"? [closed]

I am using eclipse for android programming, and every here and there i see the statement, "TODO Auto-generated method stub." I understand that these methods were generated automatically by eclipse ...
user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

What is the advantage of using UI binder in GWT?

Mention the pros and cons of UIBinder in GWT. I want to develop a big project. Is it flexible to use UIBinder for my project?
nmkyuppie's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Implementing MVC pattern in SWT application

I am developing an SWT application (it's basically an Eclipse plugin, so I need to use SWT). Currently my design is as follows: Model: In model, I have POJOs which represents the actual fields in ...
Pradeep Simha's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Creating a separate project for JPA entities

Where I work it is a common practice to create a separate for JPA entities and a project for the web application (the WAR). So basically you have (at least) two project for each application - appJPA ...
Bennyz's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

Why are the version / build numbers different for Mylyn?

At Mylyn Build 1.1.0 is slated for June 2013. At The "news" says Mylyn 3.8.3 was released on March 1st. Why is there little or no correlation between the ...
TenLeftFingers's user avatar
21 votes
5 answers

Is it a good idea to format the code in eclipse using auto format

I use eclipse for coding, and the language which we use is Java. Once it was suggested by someone that to properly format the code, using the auto formatter(CTRL+SHIFT+F) While this command does ...
Ankit's user avatar
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96 votes
17 answers

Is imposing the same code format for all developers a good idea?

We are considering to impose a single standard code format in our project (auto format with save actions in Eclipse). The reason is that currently there is a big difference in the code formats used by ...
0 votes
1 answer

Which past version of Netbeans IDE that has lightness almost equal or better than Eclipse Indigo?

Currently, I'm a long Eclipse user because my past and current companies always deal with eclipse. Recently I met some example java codes created using netbeans. I downloaded and tried Netbeans 7.x ...
null's user avatar
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3 answers

Which VCS is more applicable for our workflow?

Currently we have code stored on a shared network drive and do not use any kind of VCS. The code stored on our shared network drive is always being backed up. We would like to keep things as close ...
Tommo's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

What are the advantages of Maven when it comes to single man, educational projects

I've spend a few hours playing around with Maven + reading some stuff on the apache official site and also a few random googled articles. By this I mean that I really tried to find the answers myself -...
Leron's user avatar
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6 votes
4 answers

Is the output of Eclipse's incremental java compiler used in production? Or is it simply to support Eclipse's features?

I'm new to Java and Eclipse. One of my most recent discoveries was how Eclipse comes shipped with its own java compiler (ejc) for doing incremental builds. Eclipse seems to by default output ...
Doug T.'s user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Progressbar patterns (Eclipse)

I've struggled quite a bit with Eclipse and progress-monitors to try to have good progressbars which report useful progress information to the user. Inevitably the code gets cluttered with lots of ...
JesperE's user avatar
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3 votes
6 answers

What are the advantages of using the Java debugger over println?

I always use System.out.println(...) to debug my code, and it works pretty well. In which cases do you use the eclipse java debugger? I never had to use it and the little bug symbol is still ab bit ...
Puckl's user avatar
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4 votes
3 answers

Why does Eclipse need to be restarted after installing a plugin? [closed]

As Eclipse uses OSGi to handle modules and bundles, and therefore should be able to hot-deploy them, why does it suggest to restart after installing a plugin "for changes to take effect"? Has Eclipse ...
Sébastien Le Callonnec's user avatar
23 votes
6 answers

What are the benefits of prefixing function parameter names with p*?

I often see projects (in Java projects and teams using Eclipse) that prefix function parameters with p. For example public void filter (Result pResult) ... I personally don't see any benefit in ...
oschrenk's user avatar
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Submitting Java Code with Junit unit test

I have mostly worked on simple java programs and compiled and run them with Eclipse on Windows. So, I have no experience of using command prompt for compiling Java projects and do not have much info ...
mu_sa's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

myeclipse: can I customize templates like sysout in jsp

Myeclipse's java code templates like sysout make coding easier, and they can also be customized. But seems it's jsp editor has no such capability. Is it possible to create and customize some ...
chenaway's user avatar
4 votes
4 answers

How much time do you spend actually developing vs. infrastructure activites?

When I'm working I feel like most of the time I'm not doing actual work. For example after making a change to the code in order to test it, I have to first build the project, and start the server(say ...
Can't Tell's user avatar
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80 votes
20 answers

Is a company order to switch to a certain IDE a red flag? [closed]

I recently joined a rapidly growing startup. In the past 3 months the development team has grown from 4 to 12. Until now they were very laissez-faire about what developers used to do their work. In ...
2 votes
1 answer

Versioning Within a Platform

I work with a few different web platforms, and my actual projects are typically quite small, and live within those platforms. The project files are scattered throughout the platform tree, which makes ...
Adrian Schneider's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Eclipse: on new projects, which mode: debug or release?

I'm asked to teach my students Eclipse. The lectures are already done; I see that the teacher asks the students to always start a new project in "Release" mode. Is this a good idea? If "yes", or if "...
Olivier Pons's user avatar
2 votes
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Setting up Eclipse IDE for Python and PHP development

There are various versions of Eclipse IDE available at Eclipse Download. Since, I am not concerned with Java development, I downloaded the Eclipse Classic 3.7.1. Now, I want my IDE to be setup for ...
Pankaj Upadhyay's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

source code file system layout for 2 very similar projects (with git)

we're working on "two" android apps that are very similar; in fact, they're the same apps with different graphics and color schemes, slightly different configuration and one or two unique activities ...
stefs's user avatar
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2 answers

How can I avoid the engineering mistakes of PDT?

As a developer with enough experience to evaluate a tool, I may say that PDT is very huge in size and slow in performance for a PHP IDE. It gets bigger by release and exponentially slower by the size ...
Ashkan Kh. Nazary's user avatar
16 votes
7 answers

Why does Microsoft charge a fortune for its developer tools? [closed]

Microsoft charges thousands of dollars for most versions of Visual Studio. Compare this with companies like Apple and Google and with organizations like GNU and Eclipse that give away developer tools ...
Kyle Cronin's user avatar
52 votes
9 answers

How do I convince my teammates that we should not ignore compiler warnings?

I work on a huge project (more like a tangled up combination of dozens of mini projects that can't be easily separated due to poor dependency management, but that's a different discussion) in Java ...
user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Why do my java programs run faster in eclipse than in BlueJ?

I've been programming for about 2 years, and so far Java is all I know. When I made the switch from BlueJ to eclipse I noticed my old projects ran much faster. What would be the reason for this, as ...
Ryan Stull's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

App Engine SDK Dev transition to Google Plugin for Eclipse [closed]

I'm trying to understand the transition people make with their apps in the App Engine SDK and how/why/what they move to the Google Plugin for Eclipse. It seems you can create a web application using ...
user avatar
6 votes
6 answers

What deters developers from using automated refactoring tools? [closed]

I was having a discussion with my colleagues about using the automated refactoring tools in IDEs (Eclipse, NetBeans, IntelliJ, Xcode, Visual Studio, etc) and was surprised that many of them were ...
vazexqi's user avatar
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4 votes
3 answers

using svn and mercurial in eclipse for same project

Is it possible to have in eclipse 2 "team providers" for same project. E.g. svn and mercurial? So svn will be used to commit to central repository, and mercurial only to work on my PC. E.g. when I ...
Konstantin Petrukhnov's user avatar
0 votes
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New vs Clone Git in Eclipse with EGit

I'm not sure I have either my new repo or clone repo workflow, or both, setup correctly. When I create a new project I create a repo on github, can't clone from it as it's empty so I create a new ...
Matty F's user avatar
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