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PHP: What code should be removed to its own helper class and where should such classes be located in the filesystem?

The following is an example requesting an explanation for one specific file in one specific filesystem, not helper classes generally. I have configured a LEPP stack on a CentOS server. The server ...
Muckee's user avatar
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How to append a chunk of fixed size data to a file and make sure this chunk doesn't get fragmented on disk?

So i want to understand how DBMS implementation works To give an example : MySQL implements each tables with its own pages, which are 16KB so each table is a file, and is a multiple of 16KB, ...
OneAndOnly's user avatar
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Classiest file system locations for my Linux app to write its files?

I have an application I am writing on Linux. It is a Java webapp intended to be run on Tomcat. When it initializes, my application will copy some standalone java utility programs to the host ...
DWoldrich's user avatar
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What are the benefits of storing data contiguously?

I am designing an application file format which will store chunks of user data, ranging from a few bytes to a few gigabytes - median size probably in the 10MB - 30MB range. I have the option of ...
jl6's user avatar
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Lowercase in Linux file names

As I find that UpperCase are really readable for first letter word separation in long complex names, I tend to give some of my Linux files names with some UpperCase. Mostly executables, some ...
Stephane Rolland's user avatar
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Which language is more suitable heavy file tasks?

I need to write a script (based on basic functions) to process /image/audio/video files. The process is mainly filesystem tasks and converts. The database of files has been stored by mysql. The script ...
Googlebot's user avatar
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Automatically delete files after they expire

I've got this idea for some time and I was wondering if anyone has seen such a feature/app in any operating system and if you haven't, what do you think about it. Where do you think I should begin? ...
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