Questions tagged [file-systems]

techniques to organize and store files with their data on a computer.

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165 votes
5 answers

How to detect the encoding of a file?

On my filesystem (Windows 7) I have some text files (These are SQL script files, if that matters). When opened with Notepad++, in the "Encoding" menu some of them are reported to have an encoding of "...
Marcel's user avatar
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53 votes
3 answers

What is the benefit of writing to a temp location, And then copying it to the intended destination?

I am writing an application that works with satellite images, and my boss asked me to look at some of the commercial applications, and see how they behave. I found a strange behavior and then as I was ...
Devdatta Tengshe's user avatar
50 votes
9 answers

Why is filesystem preferred for logs instead of RDBMS?

Question should be clear from its title. For example Apache saves its access and error logs in files instead of RDBMS no matter on how large or small scale it is being utilized. For RDMS we just have ...
Yasir's user avatar
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28 votes
11 answers

Why are there so many competing filesystem designs? [closed]

Just a quick question, but why are there so many file systems still competing and in use today? (ntfs, fat32, ext3(ffs), etc) It seems that file system designers could agree upon the best aspects of ...
Dark Templar's user avatar
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26 votes
4 answers

Why is the Git .git/objects/ folder subdivided in many SHA-prefix folders?

Git internally stores objects (Blobs, trees) in the .git/objects/ folder. Each object can be referenced by a SHA1 hash that is computed from the contents of the object. However, Objects are not ...
Qqwy's user avatar
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25 votes
1 answer

What is the name for the non-extension part of a filename? [closed]

Given the file path: /some/path/abc.txt The filename is "abc.txt", and extension is "txt". What is the "industry standard", unambiguous name for the "abc" part? For reference, in both java's older ...
Bohemian's user avatar
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18 votes
5 answers

Is it safe to convert Windows file paths to Unix file paths with a simple replace?

So for example say I had it so that all of my files will be transferred from a windows machine to a unix machine as such: C:\test\myFile.txt to {somewhere}/test/myFile.txt (drive letter is irrelevant ...
MxLDevs's user avatar
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17 votes
6 answers

Is it wise to store a big lump of json on a database row

I have this project which stores product details from amazon into the database. Just to give you an idea on how big it is: [ { "title": "Genetic Engineering (Opposing Viewpoints)&...
Wern Ancheta's user avatar
13 votes
7 answers

Why can we not insert into files without the additional writes? (I neither mean append, nor over-write)

This occurs as a programming language independent problem to me. I have a file with the content aaabddd When I want to insert C behind b then my code needs to rewrite ddd to get aaabCddd Why can ...
User's user avatar
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12 votes
3 answers

Lowercase in Linux file names

As I find that UpperCase are really readable for first letter word separation in long complex names, I tend to give some of my Linux files names with some UpperCase. Mostly executables, some ...
Stephane Rolland's user avatar
12 votes
2 answers

Does a file system "see" the storage device as a (very large) byte array?

I want to know how does a file system write to and read from a storage device. I think this is how it works: A file system doesn't access the storage device directly, but rather the storage device ...
joseph_m's user avatar
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8 votes
4 answers

Why is Tortoise SVN case sensitive?

I've recently encountered this using TortoiseSVN, but I assume it will be the same for CVS based programs (correct me?). Out of pure curiosity, is there any reason why the CVS filesystem is case-...
Jack Smith's user avatar
8 votes
4 answers

What exactly does it mean that storing “large blobs in the database reduces performance”?

To someone who knows database internals this may be an easy question, but can someone explain in a clear way why storing large blobs (say 400 MB movies) in the database is supposed to decrease ...
w128's user avatar
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8 votes
7 answers

Automatically delete files after they expire

I've got this idea for some time and I was wondering if anyone has seen such a feature/app in any operating system and if you haven't, what do you think about it. Where do you think I should begin? ...
Auxiliary's user avatar
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8 votes
4 answers

File shredder algorithm

As a part of learning system programming, I am looking to implement a file shredder. The simplest way (and probably seen as naive) would be to replace the data bytes with zeroes (I know OS splits the ...
Mike's user avatar
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8 votes
1 answer

Efficient data structure to implement fake file system

I want to implement a data structure that will hold the paths of directories, sort of fake file system. Input:- I have a text configuration file containing the paths as follows ... C:/temp1 C:/...
user3054204's user avatar
7 votes
3 answers

Examples of limitations in IT due to different bit length by design [closed]

I am teaching the course "Introduction in Programming" for the first-year students and would like to find interesting examples where the datatype size in bits, chosen by design, led to certain known ...
Alexander Galkin's user avatar
7 votes
3 answers

How many threads should access the file system at the same time?

We have a module in an application which stores data in multiple files and multilevel directories and access them from multiple threads (both reads and writes). The directory structure is based on a ...
usr95's user avatar
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6 votes
3 answers

What's the point of hidden files?

What is the point of hidden files? In Microsoft Windows they exist, in Mac OS X they exist and in Linux they exist. It seems to me that it just makes detecting malware more difficult. The only upside ...
Kellen Stuart's user avatar
6 votes
3 answers

Why would anyone want to build a file system for windows? [closed]

I saw an ad on StackOverflow today for a project called WinFsp. The site mentions the following features: Allows for easy development of file systems in user mode. There are no restrictions on what ...
MarioDS's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

Is there a fundamental reason for keeping file systems and versioning systems separate?

I've done some work looking at Next3 and ext3cow, and a few other file systems that provide snapshots and/or file versioning. It seems a bit strange to me that file systems only go part-way with ...
blueberryfields's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

Solving file system dependency with database storage

I have a software project A which makes API calls to a third-party software B that is heavily based on data stored on the file system. Also, those software and file systems are distributed on servers ...
Gabriel Robaina's user avatar
6 votes
5 answers

How to Model a simple file-system by UML class diagram

I want to model a file system which contains both files and directories, and directories can contain either files or other directories. This is what I have reached so far: In OOSE book, however, a ...
Isaac's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

Why do filesystems read and write in blocks?

I read that file systems usually access data in blocks, whose size is integral multiple of disk block size. Why don't they read individual disk blocks?
Ishan's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

Finding duplicate files? [duplicate]

I am going to be developing a program that detects duplicate files and I was wondering what the best/fastest method would be to do this? I am more interested in what the best hash algorithm would be ...
SameOldNick's user avatar
5 votes
7 answers

How do i speedily traverse a file system while extracting/extrapolating various data and provide user feedback?

I'm working on a system file scanner that reveals info about various files (e.g. size, last used, duplicates, etc). Currently I'm traversing the file system once just to get a good measure of the ...
humble_coder's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Why use strong checksums to detect random errors in a filesystem like btrfs?

Btrfs supports crc32c, xxhash, sha256 and blake2b as checksums when storing and reading files. crc32c and xxhash are designed to detect random errors while sha256 and blake2 are considered ...
kjdf's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

Storing Local Filesystem Paths in Database

I'm developing a webapp where I have sets of data stored locally on my computer and I run a tool which transforms the data and uploads it to my webapp. However, I need to be able to rerun the tool on ...
CC Inc's user avatar
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4 votes
5 answers

Is it plausible to use a filesystem-based configuration format rather than an INI file?

After having had endless issues with INI-style configuration files and parsing them correctly (let along getting binary data right), a crazy idea crossed my mind recently: What if an INI file like # ...
Frerich Raabe's user avatar
4 votes
4 answers

Why do disks write data in chunks of page size?

In my understanding, even if i want to overwrite a byte in middle of a file, OS and/or disk will read the content of the size of page, modify one byte and then write the contents back. What is the ...
Ashish Negi's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Is it a bad idea to sync file system with remote server using HTTP?

I have started a project which will duplicate Dropbox or Google Drive behavior but using Amazon S3 az a backend. Idea is very simple, a Node.js server that watchs a directory for file changes and PUT ...
Mohsen's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

File system implementation in MongoDB with GridFS

I am working on two projects that will both implement a Webdav server backed by a MongoDB GridFS. In each case, there is the potential for the system to store tens of millions of files spread across ...
Ralph's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Directory structure (file system design)

I was looking at how file systems are designed and noticed that most places say that the directory hierarchy can be implemented using a hash table. Could someone please explain me how using a hash ...
Sam R.'s user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

Dealing with potential failures when appending data to a file on disk

I'm designing an application that will be appending blobs to a file on disk (local filesystem) and I'm currently thinking of how to deal with consistency issues that could occur if: The application ...
D. Jurcau's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

Why is it not standard to implement abstraction layers for the file system?

I have been taught to access databases through abstraction layers. I was wondering why it is not also standard practice to access the file system through an abstraction layer? It seems to me unit ...
DudeOnRock's user avatar
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3 votes
3 answers

Filesystems that use logging: If you're writing the data in the log (on disk), and in the actual locations themselves (also on disk) then...?

Aren't you essentially writing the same data twice, to the disk? Doesn't this cause a slowdown of a factor of ~2x? What optimizations can be made to minimize the cost of having to write things twice?
Kaitlyn Mcmordie's user avatar
3 votes
4 answers

Can file systems be designed and implemented in an OS-portable way?

Given the interfaces that major OSes (Windows, macOS/OS X/Mac OS X, Linux) provide to file systems, can file systems be designed and implemented in a way that is largely independent of OS? I'm not at ...
Praxeolitic's user avatar
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3 votes
4 answers

Can memristors change programming paradigms? In what way?

Think about persistent storage that can preserve pointers: among other things there is no need to serialize/deserialize data. For example, you typically build a tree structure and then serialize it ...
mojuba's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

Store file in filesystem, and its metadata to the database atomicly

I have to store many pdf/jpg/png file of max 10mb in a filesystem, and need to save their metadata on a database. The SFTP and the DB may be on different nodes. On WS, I've a local db where I can ...
Federico Ponzi's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Filesystem superblocks and their backup copies

I'd like to understand how (modern) filesystems are implemented and having trouble to fully understand superblocks and their backups. I reference ext4 and btrfs, but the questions may also apply to ...
grasbueschel's user avatar
3 votes
5 answers

Best practice to sync long paths to filesystems where path length is limited?

I wrote a sync tool to synchronize folders/files from Alfresco to Windows. PROBLEM: In Alfresco, /files/can/have/very/very/very/long/filepaths/like/this.txt The Windows API prevents me from creating ...
Nicolas Raoul's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

NoSQL as file meta database

I am trying to implement a virtual file system structure in front of an object storage (Openstack). For availability reasons we initially chose Cassandra, however while designing file system data ...
fgakk's user avatar
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3 votes
3 answers

File I/O - How HDD or SSD works with OS file system? [closed]

I've studied how data transfer with secondary storage(HDD or SSD) works. Would you mind to check that my understanding is correct? File system block is basic read/write logical unit which is used in ...
obanadingyo's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

VBA Outlook: quickly find subfolder

I have the following structure in my Outlook Public Folders. -Public Folders --1001_RandomProject --1002_AnotherProject --1003_Yetanotherproject ... and so on, basically there's a couple of thousand(...
Sam's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

How to organize my site's file system properly?

Doing some reading on Stack Overflow, I've found a lot of information suggesting that proper organization of a file system is crucial to a well-written web app. One of the key pieces of evidence is ...
Wolfpack'08's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

How to store the file names, start offset and length while avoiding the issue of self imposed limits (lookup table) or having to scan the entire file?

I am attempting to learn more about C and it's descendants(C++ mainly). I have decided that I would like to create a "file system" of sorts. Not a particularly advanced one mind you but something to ...
xandout's user avatar
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2 votes
3 answers

Is there an established convention for separating Windows file names in a string?

I have a function which needs to output a string containing a list of file paths. I can choose the separation character but I cannot change the data type (e.g. I cannot return a List<string> or ...
Heinzi's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

How are non-folder files called? [closed]

Maybe it looks like a weird question, but what term should be attributed inside the code for files that are not folders to differentiate them from folders? If I need write 2 functions isFolder() and ...
kitty's user avatar
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2 votes
4 answers

Where can I learn about how programs handle file systems like NTFS?

I'm writing a program to handle the xbox 360's STFS files. I'm encountering all sorts of problems about how to keep track of used vs unused blocks, reading non-sequential files, etc. These aren't so ...
mowwwalker's user avatar
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2 votes
3 answers

Storing lots of large strings with frequent "appends" and few reads

In my current project, I need to store a very long ASCII string to each instance of a given object. This string will receive an 2 appends per minute and will not be retrieved so frequently. The ...
Thiago Moraes's user avatar