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Questions tagged [file-systems]

techniques to organize and store files with their data on a computer.

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13 votes
7 answers

Why can we not insert into files without the additional writes? (I neither mean append, nor over-write)

This occurs as a programming language independent problem to me. I have a file with the content aaabddd When I want to insert C behind b then my code needs to rewrite ddd to get aaabCddd Why can ...
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50 votes
9 answers

Why is filesystem preferred for logs instead of RDBMS?

Question should be clear from its title. For example Apache saves its access and error logs in files instead of RDBMS no matter on how large or small scale it is being utilized. For RDMS we just have ...
Yasir's user avatar
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6 votes
5 answers

How to Model a simple file-system by UML class diagram

I want to model a file system which contains both files and directories, and directories can contain either files or other directories. This is what I have reached so far: In OOSE book, however, a ...
Isaac's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

Why is it not standard to implement abstraction layers for the file system?

I have been taught to access databases through abstraction layers. I was wondering why it is not also standard practice to access the file system through an abstraction layer? It seems to me unit ...
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