Questions tagged [game-development]

Development is undertaken by a game developer, which may range from a single person to a large business. Mainstream games are normally funded by a publisher and take several years to develop. Indie games can take less time and can be produced cheaply by individuals and small developers. The indie game industry has seen a rise in recent years with the growth of new online distribution systems and the mobile game market.

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33 votes
3 answers

Is it reasonable to build applications (not games) using a component-entity-system architecture?

I know that when building applications (native or web) such as those in the Apple AppStore or Google Play app store that it's very common to use a Model-View-Controller architecture. However, is it ...
Andrew De Andrade's user avatar
86 votes
13 answers

Why isn't Java more widely used for game development? [closed]

I'm not a game developer or anything, but I know that Java is not very widely used for game development. Java should be fast enough for most games, so where's the catch? I can think of some reasons: ...
44 votes
8 answers

How should I build the data structure for a dynamic, unlimited-size "maze"?

I'm not actually sure that "maze" is the correct term. Basically users start in a single Room that has 4 doors (N, S, E, and W). They can go in any direction, and each subsequent room is contains ...
Rachel's user avatar
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15 votes
10 answers

Best approach for writing a chess engine? [closed]

I'm a chess enthusiast and a programmer. I recently decided to start making a chess engine using my chess and programming knowledge. So here's my question: What language (I'm familiar with Java, C++ ...
Adnan Zahid's user avatar
12 votes
1 answer


Firstly, I am aware that this question links with the topic of game development but I have decided to ask it here since it really comes down to a more general software engeneering problem. During the ...
Adrian Albert Koch's user avatar
8 votes
7 answers

Is the Product Owner also a developer on your team?

I'm confused about the PO's responsibility here. I was a developer on a Game Feature Team, but also a PO. The daily work of the developer is almost full time, so I have to work over time to take care ...
Charlie's user avatar
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8 votes
2 answers

Test Driven Development for Complex Games

I'm coding a game in my spare time, but I am mostly still a beginner when it comes to programming. I'm sorry if this question is off topic or if it ends up not being helpful to anyone else, but ...
bazola's user avatar
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6 votes
4 answers

Improved design for a turn-based multiplayer game using AI?

I'm trying to decide which is the best architecture for a turn-based multiplayer game where the players can be either humans or AI and the UI is optional, for instance because the game can just be ...
heapOverflow's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

How do game programmers design their classes to reuse in AI, network and play and pass mode?

For a two player game where, your opponent could be on the network, CPU itself or near you where you would play turn by turn on the same machine. How do people design classes for re-use ? I am in a ...
Amogh Talpallikar's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

How should one modularly implement related objects?

I tried to make the question title as generally applicable as possible, but I'm not certain I worded it so well. It was brought about by a very specific problem I'm having, and for the remainder of ...
Jordan's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

What properties does an object oriented language have? [closed]

I'm currently working on a game and wanted to add some scripting support. Due to trying to keep the entire codebase in managed c# (Excluding Monogame), I am using a custom language for the scripting (...
Colorfully Monochrome's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Most efficient way of finding entities in a grid?

I'm working on my first game; a tower defense. So far It's coming along nicely. The only issue I am having (so far) is I can't figure out a way to effciently discover if an entity has entered a towers ...
ahodder's user avatar
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2 votes
10 answers

If it was for you to chose Game Development vs Application Development, which will you chose? [closed]

Today I was asked if I want to do Game development or Application Development. I never thought to that I will ever do Games for a living. I will try it for a couple of weeks maybe but what are your ...
user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

How to minimize networking cost of distributed game database?

We've been working on a networked online game project which will run in near future and looking for a satisfying solution for our distributed game database. We didn't take networking costs into ...
aog's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

Which scope should markers for a Stack Allocator fall under?

For reference, I am reading from "Game Engine Architecture 2nd Edition" by Jason Gregory. Although I understand the theory behind Stack Allocators, I am having trouble implementing it fully. ...
Ameer Abdallah's user avatar