Questions tagged [goto]

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108 votes
11 answers

What kind of bugs do "goto" statements lead to? Are there any historically significant examples?

I understand that save for breaking out of loops nested in loops; the goto statement is evaded and reviled as a bug prone style of programming, to never be used. Alt Text: "Neal Stephenson thinks it'...
Anon's user avatar
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68 votes
12 answers

Is this a decent use-case for goto in C?

I really hesitate to ask this, because I don't want to "solicit debate, arguments, polling, or extended discussion" but I'm new to C and want to gain more insight into common patterns used in the ...
Robz's user avatar
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36 votes
14 answers

Is using goto ever worthwhile?

goto is almost universally discouraged. Is using this statement ever worthwhile?
Casebash's user avatar
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31 votes
10 answers

Do we still have a case against the goto statement? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Is it ever worthwhile using goto? In a recent article, Andrew Koenig writes: When asked why goto statements are harmful, most programmers will say something like "because ...
fredoverflow's user avatar
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13 votes
7 answers

Best practice to "continue" from inside a nested loop?

Here is a simplified sample. Basically, it does checks on a string from a string list. If the check passes, it will remove that string (filterStringOut(i);), and it is no longer ...
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