Questions tagged [http]

HyperText Transfer Protocol - a textual system for representing web requests and replies.

29 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Long lived connections

I have a custom non-blocking I/O server that supports (among other things) HTTP and websockets. I have two timeout concepts for connections: idle: connections that don't do anything are closed after ...
nablex's user avatar
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Response Header for illegal file (format)

I have a simple upload-servlet and need to report if a file is illegal and has not been added. For some reason i am not allowed to give a html-body back, so i need to use the response-header. ...
Grim's user avatar
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Differentiating HTTP bot traffic from regular users

I run a quite small website and I'd like to have some analytics about the traffic it gets from regular users. And I'd like to continue allowing bots to scrape it. I don't really care enough to invest ...
Joe K's user avatar
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Correct usage of ETags?

Currently my code makes a series of updates to some resource via a REST API but I also have some "rollback" logic that basically updates the resource to its original state before my updates ...
Pepria's user avatar
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HTTP/REST and chained processing protocol/convention

Is there a protocol or a convention that supports REST (ok, maybe we should use HTTP here instead) processing chain and some neat features to help with that? Let me explain what I mean. Let's assume ...
OzrenTkalcecKrznaric's user avatar
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Are AJAX calls fully replaceable by requests sent via WebSockets?

I am redeveloping an application with the aim of going along with the more modern techniques. That is how I came across, which I integrated with express.js. I implemented live searching ...
Maikkeyy's user avatar
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CORS headers for non-200 HTTP responses

I'm specifying an API for a REST service. The REST service will be primarily accessed by web browsers using XHR requests running code hosted from remote origins. Therefore, I'll need to add CORS ...
Alastair McCormack's user avatar
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Multiple long polling requests: bad idea?

I am designing a web server that handles multiple things such as a user-to-user chat, a user-to-group chat, friends request, forum etc. The chats have to be real-time chats, the friends requests ...
Thüzhen's user avatar
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Web page accessing local system via localhost HTTP API

I have seen this pattern that allows web pages to interact with local system resources through a HTTP interface and I have a couple questions about it: What is this pattern called? What ...
mattgrogan's user avatar
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How inter-process communication is handled on .NET Core?

I have to implement a bi-directional communication between two local process with support to backward compatibility .NET Core/NET Framework and platform architecture x86/x64. The options that i have ...
youssef jirari's user avatar
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Returning header Location on POST with no content

I am designing an API that some operations may take a while, for example, creating a backup (not the actual case). I am planning to have an endpoint to query the current job http GET /api/v1/jobs/{...
Skhaz's user avatar
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Websockets or HTTP | B2B environment

Let's start off with the infrastructure architecture that we have, because that's the most important aspect of this conversation. Clients (browsers) which communicate with the product cluster (over ...
charen's user avatar
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HTTP polling vs WebSocket for very small payloads that don't change often

In our team we are currently discussing which technology makes more sense for an upcoming feature - HTTP polling vs WebSocket. To give some context: We are developing a TV streaming application (...
david.mihola's user avatar
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In a microservices architecture, should each microservice handle its HTTP headers or should a proxy handle them?

In a case where having microservices deployed as containers without any orchestration tool, they need to define some HTTP response headers. A way to achieve it is by having each microservice define ...
lewislbr's user avatar
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HTTPS headless browser to HTTP localhost Flask

I have two Docker containers: Headless browser grabbing images by running JavaScript Flask server analysing these images (and sending results to another server) I'm using a bridge network to ...
Sijmen's user avatar
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How to change data after success URLs sent to partner API's if they can only be GET requests?

A lot of times there's a parameter in a partner API endpoint like success_url where you provide the partner API with an endpoint on your internal API to redirect the client. For example, on Stripe you ...
Dashiell Rose Bark-Huss's user avatar
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RESTful query parameter at GET method

If I have a GET restful api use for query user info by user name. I don't want to return all column. My response column is decide to client. Example. My user have many column.(userName, sex, phone, ...
Ziv's user avatar
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Two Web clients and Java server (HTTP and Websockets)

I have 3 software components of a Web Application: 1. JS-client application 1 (JSApp1) 2. Java Spring (REST and Websockets) server app (SRV) 3. JS-client application 2 (JSApp2) My current task is to ...
Andrii's user avatar
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HTTP Method and REST URL for Returning Data that May Be Saved

My application has a grid with a list of Car objects from a third party system [{id: 1, make: "Ford", model: "Focus", ...},...] The user can select a Car and use its data (after some transformation)...
James's user avatar
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What kind of information I should pass through a HTTP Header?

I was trying to find if there is some kind of reference about what type of informations are important to be passed on the HTTP Header. I understand that some information seems natural to be there, ...
Dherik's user avatar
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Reason why client-side JavaScript does not allow access to POST/PUT/etc contents

Is there any theoretical reason why client-side JavaScript could not be spec'd to allow for direct access to POST or PUT contents without need for a server language to write it into client-side ...
Brett Zamir's user avatar
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How does session middleware generally verify browser sessions?

I've been using session middleware to build web apps for years: from PHP's built-in session handling layer to node's connect session middleware. However, I've never tried (or needed) to roll my own ...
rgb's user avatar
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How can resolve an URL on a specific DNS server

I'm currently facing a issue on a project. I'm resolving URL's on multiple DNS servers using a node.js server. Until here, everything is fine. But some ISP restrict the incoming requests from IPs ...
brnrd's user avatar
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How to send a preliminary HTTP response

I have a proxy server that waits for another server to come online. A client sends a request to the proxy server - is there a way for the proxy server to send a preliminary response to the client to ...
Olegzandr Denman's user avatar
-1 votes
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How to determine the application used on top of TCP?

I am currently implementing a TCP Proxy Server. The huge problem I have right now is that, based on the clients' TCP data, I am trying to determine whether the client is making an HTTP, FTP or SMTP ...
Kagiso Marvin Molekwa's user avatar
-1 votes
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How do job queues return results to UI?

I am working on an app that will run queries and return results to UI. However, these queries can take a long time to finish so I should not wait for the result. As far as I know, people use task ...
Cemre's user avatar
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A Recipe for Handling an AWS Network Request from Start to Finish at Global Scale

I have been reading the AWS documentation for a solid 2 weeks, and configuring a terraform system to deploy a multi-region network. I have it mostly wired up, but I am not sure I have accounted for ...
Lance's user avatar
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Disable recieving messages from queue remotly

I have a CRUD like service which have REST HTTP API. This service have two instances - only one recieving request at time. If first instance starts throwing exceptions or slowing down we change load ...
TjDillashaw's user avatar
-3 votes
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How do I overcome the limit of 4000 results returned from the REST API?

I have an application which records the company man hours of employees and other related details. Because it gets updated everyday or when a new employee is added, it tends to lead to a very large ...
Ankit Kumar's user avatar