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44 votes
2 answers

Why is inheritance generally viewed as a bad thing by OOP proponents [duplicate]

I keep hearing the phrase "Favour Composition over Inheritance" from GoF, which is being annoyingly mentioned repeatedly by my friend, who thinks it is a valid blanket statement. But is it ...
RonaldMunodawafa's user avatar
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Design classes to model 3D scanned faces of ancient Greek/Roman sculptures: is multiple inheritance a good design solution?

I would like to deepen the topic of multiple inheritance using Python and I usually find examples that are too simple. I love art and I imagined the following problem and I want to understand if ...
blunova's user avatar
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Should I force "composition over inheritance" rule to class members?

As I know, according to "composition over inheritance" rule, we should avoid reusing a method by inheritance, but how about class members? Suppose I have parent and child classes like the following: ...
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